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A thunderous noise echoed in the surroundings as three bullets were heard being fired continuously without any moment of respite. A scream roared in the air and a loud revving of the engine was heard, followed by quick sounds of tyres moving harshly against the cemented ground. 

The guards suddenly broke into a run, all at once, half of them advancing with all their might towards the fringes of the large campus, while the other half gathered around their  Principal with their rifles held tightly against their chests. Prachi lowered her raised hand, tightening her grip around the heavy, black pistol which now had a total of only three out of the six bullets adorning its cylinder.

"Leave my hand." Ordered a stern voice near her ear from behind. 

"Get in the car everybody. We need to leave quickly. Eyes in all directions." Prachi yelled to the people behind her, effortlessly ignoring the man standing inches apart from her back, looking daggers at her, her eyes still staring in the direction from which the bullet had suddenly come racing to them out of nowhere. Her alertness and reflexes had snatched from it the opportunity to taste blood and there it lay now weak and stuck in a nearby pillar of the large building. The guards were quick to surround RK after that and Prachi's revolver was quick to answer the mysterious threat as she straightened herself, standing before him - her back to him - her gun raised high before her while her other hand was outstretched at her side in a protective gesture for the person behind, her dainty fingers wrapping around his lower arm in a tight grip.

"Scan-" A sharp pain in her wrist broke her off and she didn't need to turn towards her hand to know the source of it. 

"Talk to me when I'm talking to you! And don't you dare touch me without my permission, Miss PB!" RK spoke through his gritted teeth, twisting her wrist that had been clutching his hand. 

"It IS with your noble permission that I have to save you, Sir. Trust me, I've no interest in it either." Prachi stated straight into his eyes, releasing her hand from his grip with a jolt. 

"Get in." She spoke, opening the door of the black automobile for him.

"Either you're kidding or daydreaming that I will obey you, or you are nuts, woman." RK crossed his hands against his chest, glaring hard at the lady before him.

"WHAT THE HELL DID JUST HAPPEN HERE?!" Aryan rushed down the stairs of the porch, approaching them with a horror-stricken face and a big set of black armed people marching at his heels while a commotion could be sensed in the building left behind them.

"A sudden gunshot from outside the fringes. A section of the guards is around that area currently. We need to leave." Prachi replied immediately. "And scan." She added, gesturing towards the guards behind Aryan who promptly dispersed around the area receiving a hard nod from the latter.

"Then leave! What are you waiting for?!" Aryan yelled, to which Prachi turned to look at RK at once.

"Permission." She informed, staring straight at him.

"What?!" Aryan spoke in a bewildered tone, which later turned into a look of extreme disbelief as the realisation immediately dawned upon him - thanks to his years of experience. "Ofc! You can't be serious at this point! Are you nuts?!" 

"Mind your tone, Aryan!" RK raised his voice.

"I will! I surely will if you give me the opportunity to!" Aryan's tone wasn't in its most gentle form too. "Listen, just get inside the car and then we'll happily continue this later on." He proposed in a softer voice, moving towards him as he held the open door. RK shifted his glare directed at Aryan towards Prachi now, who gestured with her brows towards the seat, making him clench his jaws at her. However, he settled into the vehicle with a swift movement without another round of debate, banging the door behind him. 

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