(1.5) ~ohcalmtitty~

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(Okay so when I went to put Michael's name in bold I accidentally hit paste and 'ohcalmtitty' came up and so now I've decided to name the chapter ohcalmtitty. Bask in my glory bitchez I found my new favorite word XD)


I stared into my lap as Calum and Ashton stood there silently, unsure of how to approach me. They weren't sure of how I felt about everything- hell I wasn't even sure of how I felt about all this. All I knew was that I hated this feeling- I hated being confused. Luke was so confusing.

"You okay mate?" Ashton said placing his hand on my shoulder taking me out of my focused trance my thoughts had put me in. "Ya look angry." He said in a happy tone and smiled at me. Ashton was really good at changing my moods and I both loved and hated him for it.

I sighed and I finally took my eyes away from the space in between my feet. "Yeah, I'm fine." I breathed slower. "I'm going to go check on Luke, I guess." I said forcing myself to my feet and dragging myself into the hallway.

I picked up my feet as I got closer to the top of the stairs. I heard small whimpers coming from the living room. I quietly descended the stairs and peeked my head around the wall to see Luke hunched over, his hands covering his face completely.

I stepped off of the stairs and became more visible to the hunched over boy. "Luke, are you-"

He shot his head up quickly and cut me off. "I'm- yeah I'm fine- I'm fine." He said rubbing his face free from excess tears.

I took a step closer to him feeling sorry for the lad.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked walking over and taking a seat next to him. Normally when I got upset the first thing I'd want to do is vent so I figured I'd ask him.

He looked at the space between his feet and shook his head. "No." He blankly stated.

I looked over at him unsure of what to say next. I couldn't figure out what to say. Thousands of questions overflowed my mind and it was becoming more and more difficult to hold them all in.

"I'm just- I'm gonna go for a walk." He said standing up and heading for the door.

"I'll be back later." He said quietly as he carefully shut the door before I had the chance to say anything else.

"Michael you said he'd be back later, it's 12 in the morning." Calum paced back and fourth checking his phone to see if Luke responded to his hundreds of texts asking where he was.

"Maybe he just went home." I shrugged my shoulders at the panicked lad. He was just over reacting.

"No, nono. We need to go right now if he's at home." His voice started to shake as he put his phone up to his ear.

"Why? Wouldn't that be good thing if he went home?" I asked the frantic boy as he waited for the phone to stop ringing. He glared at me in response.

"Oh my god Luke are you-" he stopped talking. I heard mumbling from the other end of the phone. "Ye-yeah he's right here." Calum handed me the phone.

"What why?" I mouthed to Calum as I grabbed the phone from his hands and put it to my ear. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Hello?" I answered the phone. "Michael I-" Luke choked over his words as he spoke. I could barely hear him over his whimpers. "I messed up."

"What do you mean? Luke are you alright?" I asked standing up from my computer chair.

"Can you come over please- bring Calum and Ashton." He whimpered.

"Off course, we're leaving right now." I said grabbing my keys and motioning the boys to follow.

I got out of my car as I watched Calum and Ashton pull up into Luke's drive way behind me. I waited for them to get out of the car before knocking up on his door.

"Don't knock, just walk in quietly." Ashton whispered right as I was about to knock.

I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. There were two hallways, one leading into the kitchen and one leading to the living room. I tiptoed quietly down the dark hall leading to the living room hoping not to disturb his parents. I found my way to the stairs somehow managing to walk up them in complete darkness.

"His room is the first one on the left." Calum whispered behind me as he stubbed his toe against the stairs railing.

The door creaked as I slowly opened it to reveal a pitch black room.

"Luke?" Ashton called out as Calum flipped on the light switch. The walls were bright blue and covered in posters from every possible band you can imagine. Green Day, Nirvana, Blink-182, and is that Justin Bieber and Chris Brown?

"Where is he?" Calum asked his voice returning to the normal loud volume it usually is.

"Guys can I talk to Michael alone please." I heard a wild Luke's voice appear muffled from talking into his pillow and being covered with the puffiest of blankets and pillows. "And turn the lights back off." He mumbled.

The boys left the room, switching the light switch off with out any protest. It was kind of weird how they never questioned him, with the things that he does and asks for. I, however, had so many questions. But I was too scared to ever ask him because he seems like the type to leave when things get to hard- or when he can't find the answer to a serious problem.

I fear confusion, and Luke; he confuses me the most. But the thing is, he doesn't scare me how any other person would. He scared me at first but come to know him a little better, we're almost the same but completely different at the same time. And that's what really confuses me the most-

I hate myself for always being confused.

I always over think things.

I know now that I've never really hated Luke,

I've come to realize that I really like him,

I just hate me.

But sorry it took me a little longer to write this chapter I got a new puppy & the picture above is max (the bigger one obviously) & Molly is the smaller one that looks more puppy-ish 🙊

Qotd: What is the last thing you copied & pasted? Don't be shy leave a a comment down below & I'll love you forever!! \^.^/

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