2.3 Run Away

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Plz follow @/punkrockclifford on Instagram she is my favorite account you don't even understand & oh & also-



I put the medicine in my book bag and zipped it up. I already had medicine like this before but I refused to take it. It made me feel weak. I refused to believe I was weak, but I was- I am weak and that's why I didn't fight the lady when she handed me the bottles. Maybe I needed them. Maybe I wasn't as strong as I made myself out to be.

I waited a few minutes after the counselor left before I grabbed my bag that was supposed to be filled with clothes but instead was filled with pictures of Michael, Calum, Ashton, and I. I only packed what I needed from that house. All I needed to get by was memories of the only people who made me happy. Memories of the only person who made me feel real and with those brief memories I quickly and quietly snuck out the window and headed towards the metro station a few blocks down the road in the city.

With the book bag loosely strapped around my shoulders I gripped onto the straps as I descended the subway stairs. I wasn't going to let them put me in a foster home- not again. Not after they told me it was okay to go back home the first time. They can't take me again. I'm 17 I can get by on my own- w-with this medication.

My thoughts were scattered and I began to worry myself as I stepped on the metro and listened to the doors lock shut. It was scary, I was terrified.
It got harder for me to breath as people started to crowd the subway seats. I contemplated taking my anxiety medicine as I acknowledged how the people were fat and dirty and made the air feel unclean to breath in. Some people were clean, but they didn't look nice and I kept thinking of Michael. If he were here he would look the nicest and the cleanest. He would be the one I'd sit next to if I didn't know him. God I hated the idea of not knowing him. I calmed down at the thought of him and for a brief moment I felt like I didn't need any medicine to keep me sane. Michael was all I needed to keep me sane.

But then I started to realize I'll never see him again and I couldn't ever contact him or my two other mates. I started to shake as I felt my heart rate increase and I couldn't handle it anymore. I ripped open my book bag and struggled to open the bottle of pills.

I took two.

I think.

Then I started to calm down. I felt happy, relaxed- or tired I couldn't tell the difference.

Man I haven't slept in forever. I thought to myself as I leant the back of my head against the dirty metro window. It was disgusting but sleep felt so amazing and I closed my eyes. I loved how I couldn't feel anything. I felt so happy and everything felt happy. And I couldn't wait to have the best dreams about Michael.
I shot my eyes open realizing I can't sleep on a dirty underground train. I had a place I needed to go. A place not too far from home that would give me all the answers I needed to know before I left for good.

The metro came to a stop and the doors shot open. My stop. I stood up brushing against the dirty people and felt free as soon as I emerged from the crowd of people. But the air didn't feel clean. Everything around me was gross and I practically ran up the stares to get out from the subway station.

I started to head away from the city and towards the home of the last person I would ever want to see. It was only about a ten minute walk as the hot Sydney weather seemed to fuel my anger as I walked onto the front porch of a small little ranch home. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

The door swung open not to long after I had knocked. "Luke? What are you doing here?"

I smiled at the person who looked at me both in shock and confusion.
"Hi Sammie can I- can I come in?"


Ah shoot, left ya hangin' what's gonna happen next?? I'm dying here guys I-I gotta know!-

oh-oh wait I do know what's gonna happen next 😁this is so awkward

okey bye babes ily (can I call you my babes¿ is that legal? )

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