Chapter 1.4

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(While I was writing this chapter this got 420 reads lol drugz)


The boys sat in front of the tv playing video games and chatting amongst each other. Occasionally I would make out a few cuss words from the lads and some video game logo but other than that I couldn't hear exactly what they were talking about. Sammie and I sat on the bed sitting in silence. A few minutes past before Ashton put his controller down and stood up.

"Alright that's it, Sammie I need to talk to you." He said carefully picking her up by the wrist.

"Wait where are we-" She tried to protest his grip on her as he walked her out of the bedroom.

"Don't fight it Samantha!" Calum said as the door shut behind them. And she shot up to his feet.

I looked over at Michael, curious as to why that just happened. He just shrugged his shoulders in response to my confused facial expression.

Calum let in a deep breath and a huge sigh following shortly after. "Alright you two stand up!" He announced. Michael looked up at him just as confused an expression on his face as I had.

"Why?" I asked not getting up from my comfy position on the bed.

"I'll be the only one who asks the questions around here." He said sternly.

I sat up on the edge of the bed.

"Michael you sit right there next to him." Calum paced back and fourth in front of me with his arms behind his back until Michael came over and plopped down in his designated spot. He sighed looking over at me.

Calum turned his back to us.

"Now," he spoke rocking back and forth on his feet.

"It has come to a certain kiwi's and white boys attention that a certain blonde haired boy, specifically with bright blue eyes, and a particular red haired lad with greenish blue eyes that seem to split down the middle slightly-"

"Calum get to the point!" Michael said sternly, clearly annoyed that he had to be stuck sitting next to me.

"Alright," He breathed. "Clearly, you two have feeling for each other." He said turning around to see both our faced flush a bright red color.

"Cal-" I tried to protest but he cut me off.

"Now Luke, don't try to hide this, Ashton and I saw everything." He winked and smirked over at me watching me flush even more red in embarrassment.

"This is where I talk to you about Sammie." He continued.

"Yeah, what about her?" I raised one eyebrow at the lad. Michael did the same.

"When you and Mikey over here" he continued patting Michael on the shoulder. "Were out back," we winked at Michael and he blushed. "Sammie called me to come pick her up because she was upset."

He paced back and forth.

"And I," he said taking a step forward. "Being my awesome self, drove to her house and picked her up."

I looked over at Michael to see if he was thinking the same as me, but he just had his face down looking in his lap.

"And well, she started to cry in the car,
I asked her what was wrong and- She's not pregnant Luke. She lied."

My mouth opened so slightly as I covered it with my left hand to keep it from dropping even more. I was shocked.

"W-why would she- what?" I asked not believing the words spewing from Calum's mouth.

"Well that's what Ashton is finding out right now. I'm sorry mate." Calum said sitting down next to me.

"I am too." I muttered looking over at Michael who was focusing his attention on anything but me and Calum. His eyes seemed to be glued to his lap. I wanted him more than anything to look at me, I felt so stupid. I wanted him to glare at me and give me the look that I deserved. I wanted him to hate me. Because why would he like me now?

But he wouldn't look at me.

I realized I had been staring at him for an awkward amount of time when Ashton walked into the room. With Sammie.

I stood up and stormed out of the room. She followed me down a long hallway that lead to downstairs.

"Luke wait!" She shouted nearly tripping down the steps.

"You have to pick your feet up remember." I said as I quickly spun around facing her at the bottom of the stairs. She had to grab onto either side of the wall to keep from crashing into me. She stood there waiting for me to say something else but I stood silent barely two inches from her face.

"I- I'm sorry Luke- I just didn't want to lose you-" she said leaning her forehead against mind. I stepped away from her.

"So you thought the best tactic to use was to make me think you're pregnant?" I nearly shouted but couldn't, due to Michael's parents sleeping in the room directly above us. My nostrils flared as I stared her in the face. Not even in the eyes I was so mad, I looked at her right in the fucking face.

"I was scared-" she cried and I had to soften my glare upon her.

"I think you just- you should go." I said looking over at the front door.

"My rides here anyway," She said about to pat me on the shoulder but drew her hand back as she saw me shoot my eyes towards her hand telling her I didn't want to be touched.

She trotted off, closing the door behind her small figure.

Rubbing my face, I walked over to the couch and took a seat. I sighed as I ran my fingers through my freshly cut quiffed hair.

It took me a while to realize that I had been crying this whole time. I couldn't feel myself cry, I didn't even notice until I caught a few tear drops falling off of my face and staining my black skinny jeans. It wasn't until then when I started to really feel my emotions. My heart felt short and I could hear it pounding in my ears. I sat there with my hands covering my face, catching tears in the palms of my hands as I let the pain take its course throughout my body.

Pain was all I could feel, and I can't even describe to you how much it hurt me so.

Aw Luke stop 😪

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100+ READZ I CRIE TEARS OF JOY AZ I PUBLISH DIS NEXT CHAPTUR OHMUHGUUHD😭😭 <3 I started this chapter with 420 reads and now 520 you guys are awesome.

qotd: If you could have a super power, or any special ability what would it be?

Mine would be, to have the ability to read people's minds and be able TO enter their dreams and interact with their sub-conscience thoughts. That would be crazy cool I think. I like to mess with people a lot in real life so that would be the perfect thing for me!

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