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Oops day late! Sorry!!!

I sat in the car silently as Sammy kept fidgeting and nervously looking over at me. Her hair was frizzy and she looked a mess. I sniffled my nose and refused to speak. She knew I was angry. This was still all her fault. I was angry at her. I would've been fine had she not said anything but no she opened her loud mouth and lied to me, took my home away, and ruined everything I had with Michael. Everything I worked for she ruined and I didn't have my friends by my side.

I was alone because of her and she knew that.

"Luke you have to tell me where you're going." She said pulling the car to the side of the road and putting it in park. I didn't answer her. "Luke!" She shouted as I simply unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car.

"I'll walk from here. Thanks for... Bye." I slammed the door shut and began to walk down the street. She of course, ran after me.

"Luke you can't just up and leave!" She shouted grabbing me by the shoulder and trying to pulled me back but I tightened my chest and shrugged my shoulder away from her turning around to show her how furious I was. She reluctantly backed away as she saw the color in my eyes gloss over and the red in my cheeks brighten.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" I shouted in her face trying to refrain myself from pushing the small frail girl down.

"What's your problem?" She retorted while crinkling her nose as squinting her eyes at me.

"You're my problem! You did all of this! You- you're a bitch Sam. A lying, cheating, deceiving bitch!" I shouted at her now getting the attention of a few pedestrians walking towards the city.

"I'm trying to help you and you're shouting at me? I said I was sorry for ruining your life and I'm trying to help." She said in a stern tone. I could tell she was trying not to shout and could see the anger in her face as the wind blew her tangled hair back.

"You never said sorry." I rolled my eyes and turned away from her.

"I thought that me offering you to stay was saying sorry in itself." She crossed her arms and waited for me to respond.

"You know what Sam, yes that very kid of you. You can do acts of kindness to make yourself feel better. You can verbally say sorry, but I will never forgive you." I said now staring at her dead in the eyes. She looked taken back but said nothing. "You can make yourself feel better by helping me out but you need to remember you're the one who got me into all of this."

She let the wind blow her hair in her face as I turned away from her and began walking towards the bus station.

She didn't take a step forward to chase after me, no. Instead she faintly shouted goodbye and got into her car wiping the tears I caused from her face and drove until I couldn't see her anymore.


I decided there was one place I had to go. Just one place where I could go and get every bit of anger out of me. I got into the bus and sighed as a stranger sat down next to me. He looked dirty and scruffy and I wanted nothing more than to just disinfect him. I leant my head against the window as the bus drove towards the direction of the federal institution of Sydney where they were holding my mother.

About thirty minutes later I had to gather up the courage to tap the dirty man on the shoulder and ask him to move so I could exit the bus. I slid past him feeling every spec of his scum latch onto me and I ended up almost tripping down the bus steps. I stumbled onto the concrete pavement of the institution. The Mental institution of Sydney.

I walked in the front doors and nicely asked the lady if I could see my mother. The ladies smile was warm and inviting as she asked me for my name.

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