2.2 Neutral

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"You're being relocated."


I looked at the seemingly depressed boy. It was normal to feel sad about all of this but something about him was off. He almost didn't seem sad enough.

"Honey can you nod for me, give me something to know you're alright, everything's going to be alright." I said bending down and placing a hand on his shoulder.

The poor boy was just staring out the window silently. Just waiting to be forced into a different chapter of his life. Assuming that he wasn't going to like it, I tried to assure him that this was for the better. He gave me a small smile before answering me.

"Nothing's ever going to be alright." He shook his head down at me.

He just didn't seem sad enough and I gave him a confused glare. I hadn't told him yet but his psychiatrist prescribed him medicine to help him with depression along with anxiety because his life was about to get ten times more stressful. I hate to admit it, but Luke was heading towards something that made all of his counsellors worry.

He just smiled down at me though we both knew he was very upset...

But that's the thing about depression, there isn't a certain amount of sadness you can feel. One can't feel sadder than another. There's just the feeling of sadness and people deal with it in different ways. Some can deal with it, others can't. Some can deny sadness, and others can just simply accept it.

But then there's people like Luke. People who refuse to feel at all. The thing with this young man, is that he didn't seem to feel it at all. It was like he didn't feel anything and I could tell that he couldn't. He was radiating with numbness. It was almost like his sad was his happy and his happy was his sad. His emotions seemed to all be the same and I've never seen anything like it before. He was radiating neutrality at almost concerning levels. It was like he was used to all of this. Had this happened before to him?

"What do you mean sweetie?" I tilted my head slightly trying to get his eyes focused to mine but it didn't seem to work.

"Nothing will ever be okay, what did you do with my moth- what about me?"

"We're doing what is best for you- the safest thing for you." I tried to assure him but that never seems to get through the young teenage minds of my patience in similar situations such as these. "Your mother is away and you'll be safe."

He shot over a glare that made me feel unsure of what to say next. I was frightened that I might anger him more if I told him he was depressed. I stood up and grabbed the two bottle of pills out of my bag and placed them into his hands. He didn't look up at me. He just stared at the objects in his hands. "Luke, these are anti-depressants."

He nodded his head and glanced over at the other bottle. "And those are anxiety meds." I said slowly nodding my head at him to see if he understood.

He nodded his head.

"Why." He shrugging his shoulders and rolled his eyes at me. Nothing I haven't already seen from other patients the same age as him in the past.

"They'll make you feel better, but only when you need to feel better." I said walking over to the other side of the room where the door was. "I want you to put them in your bag and only use them when you feel you absolutely have too." I twisted the door open and watched him calmly put the pills in the front zipper of his bag before I quietly clicked the door shut.

The reason why this is in the councilors pov is because I wanted to get the idea across of how dead inside Luke feels and how done he is trying to I guess fight both his internal and external conflicts.

I'm going to publish the next chapter in Lukes pov really really soon bc I don't want yall to loose interest!

Qotd: Who else other than Muke do you ship?

>>I ship all ships bc they're perfect AF except cake tho I can't with them I just ship them as a bromance but I mostly read Muke & Lashton bc I'm basic like that & I feel that they're two of the most intense ships ,^~^/ XD

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