Chapter 1.0

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^Lukes face is my face when I finished writing this chapter ^


"Lukey!" A girls voice shouted from behind me as I approached the cafeteria.

I turned around to see a small girl with long curly brown hair and light green eyes. Her skin was pale and her cheekbones were the perfect size for her petite face.

"Sammie!" I said in excitement reaching out to her and grabbing her in a giant hug.

"I missed you!" She said burying her face into my chest.

Sammie and I had always had a thing since year 9 started. She had moved away for half a semester but finally came back.

"I missed you too." I said hugging her even tighter and kissing her on the head. she was much shorter than I and I had always found that adorable.

"Luke we need to talk." She said her voice getting serious but still sounding pleasant. She pulled me to the side and sat me down at a vacant cafeteria bench table.

"I'm not sure how to say this." Her voice trailed off. "I like you Luke, a lot." She said looking down at her feet disappointment ringing in her voice.

"Then why won't you look at me Sammie?" I asked putting my arm around her and gently tilting her chin up and giving her a sweet smile.

"Don't look at me like that!" She said sounding upset and looking away from me again. "You know why."

"Okay I'll just close my eyes then." I said turning her head back to me and kissing her softly on the lips.

"No, Luke." She said pushing me back. "I'm pregnant."
(A/n) *spits out cereal and trips over dining room table* whAT DID YOUOUO DOOO LUKÊ?!??!11 -Camie

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