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"Aw cute!" I heard a few girls giggle from behind. I flushed red feeling embarrassed. I looked over at Michael, a small smile appeared on his face. I felt safer knowing that people weren't so judgmental. I grabbed Michaels hand tighter assuring him that I was feeling better.

"Everythings gonna be okay Lukey." He glanced over at me before focusing his attention in front of him.

We made our way up the stairs and to my first hour class. We stood awkwardly still a few feet away from the door. A few seconds passed over us silently. Time was counting down dreadfully and I didn't want the bell to ring, I couldn't go in there and face Sammie alone. Not without Michael.

I took a deep breah before releasing my hand from Michaels pulled him into a hug.

"I'll see you as soon as the second hour bell rings okay?" I asked him not wanting to release him.

"Okay Lukey." He said kissing me on the cheek before pulling away and heading off down the hall to his class.

I stepped into the room right as the bell rang for class to begin. Literally, everyone in that god foresaken Chemestry class shot their attention to me either in hatred, or with sorrow in ther eyes because they knew I was about to get b.itched out by the Ms. Craw.

"Lucas Hemmngs, I believe I saw you heading to this class with plenty of time to get here before the bell, you have thirty seconds to give me a respectable explanation as to why you are late." She stood there giving me the eye with her ars crossed in the front of the class.

"I, uh..' I hesitaed to answer.

"Get your hair out our face and look me in the eyes young man!" She demanded.

I felt pressure in my chest and I could't look up from the floor. I slowly lifted my hand up and got ready to swoop the tangled mess that was my fringe out my face but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I turned my head to the side revealing my bruised neck to the class, attempting to hide away the tears that were falling from my face. I could people gasping and whispering some things.

"Oh my god."


They all continued to whisper as my teacher walked over to me an lead e out of the classroom.

"Good I can't look at that anymore." I heared a girl say aloud. It broke me. And I fell to the floor buring my face into my knees and I cried as much as I could feel. I cried so much I couln't hear my teacher asking me questions. "Who, What, Where, and Why?" She asked me, as if i would tell her. I cried so much I didn't hear her say "I'm going to call your mother." but Sammie heard her.

"No, I know what happened!" She said stopping Ms. Craw from dialing the number.

She took her into the back room as I sat in the hall. I heard foot steps approach me and arms wrap around my waste.

"Shh it's okay Lukey." Michael said.

It wasn't okay. I had no idea what Sammie was up too and considering we aren't on good terms I don't think she had anything good to say in mind but God I hoped she did.

"Take me home Mikey." I cried in his arms.

He helped stand me up and we quickly left the school before anyone saw us. They took skipping very seriously.

We had to walk home due to the fact that Ashton drove us and we couldn't just take his car. Although, he'd probably let us because he's the nicest human being I've ever met.

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