Chapter 1.2

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Michael's pov:

"I don't think he remembers Ash." I said looking down at my phone.

"He has to, you guys were like.. All up on it." Ashton tried to manage a straight face but giggled like a little school girl instead. "Why don't you just ask him."

"Because I feel like he hates me and things would be awkward- even more awkward because he has a fucking girlfriend." I rolled my eyes at the lad.

"You know what," Calum chimed into the conversation. "Why don't we all hang out and talk to each other and if you and Luke get along, like you did before all of that happened, you can buttf*ck in the other room. How about that?" Calum laughed.

I shot my eyes over at Calum, looking at him as if I were saying 'why the hell would you even say something like that?' Ashton had the same expression on his face. "Shut up Calum." I snapped at him. "When's he getting here anyway?"

"He said he just dropped Sammie off." Calum said looking at his texts. He furrowed his eyebrows as he read on "And that he's almost here." Calum said before typing away.

Cal Pal: I thought Sammie was coming over?

Calum read his text messages aloud.

Lucas Hemmings: We broke up and also She's pregnant.

Calum threw his phone at my chest.

"WHAT THE FUCK SAMMIE IS PREGNANT!" Calum shouted covering his mouth with both his hands.

"Gah Jesus Christ Calum!" I scolded the boy.

"Do you not understand!?" He shouted. "SAMANTHA IS PREGNANT!"

"Oh my gosh." Ashton spoke out awkwardly. "That's uh, wow."



Lucas Hemmings: you're a dumb ass it's not mine. *Purity ring* and I'm coming upstairs now.

"Oh guys he's good. It's not his." Calum smiled as Luke walked into the room.

"You scared me half to death mate, I thought we'd have a baby to raise together." Calum said as Luke barged into the room.

"Why the hell would we be raising it?" Luke furrowed his eyebrows at Calum.

Calum drew himself back, hand over his heart, and gasped. "I'm supposed to be the one to father your children."

Luke squinted his eyes at the lad who was now pretending to be hurt by the lanky boys question.

"Calum can we not do this right now?" He asked not wanting to deal with Calum's fake out burst.

"No!" He shouted. "You don't see my pain. You just shattered my heart." Calum sobbed as Luke stood there with a blank face.

"Cal, I'm sorry I just can't right now-"

"No, clearly you don't understand." He said walking over to Ashton who was sitting on the bed. "Ashton get over here." Calum demanded.

"You just walked over to me, I'm already here mate." He said standing up.

"Look here Ed boy," Calum said putting his left arm around Ashton's shoulder. "Right here," he pointed in circles at Ashton's heart. "You broke this part right here."

Luke sighed. "Alright fine." He groaned.
"Baby I'm sorry, please take me back." He spoke as he got on one knee.

"Not until you say it." Calum crossed his arms and shunned away from the boy begging on his knees.

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