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"Officer why am I in jail with a stranger right now?" I asked wrapping my fingers around cold black steal bars. I wasn't worried that I was in prison, I knew I'd eventually get out anyway. I was just mostly pissed that someone would actually think I'd hurt Luke.

How could someone believe such a thing?

"Just have a seat young man, try to get some rest." The officer nodded his head at me as he sorted through some paper work on his desk.

I leaned my back against the cement wall. It was horribly dirty and I got dirt marks on my favorite Blink-182 shirt. I covered my face with both my hands and sighed deeply. I knew I was innocent but the other man in the same cell as me didn't know that. I didn't know what he was here for. What if he killed someone? What am I doing in the same cell as a murderer? I didn't belong here. I shook my head and let out a loud sigh.

"Don't worry kid, you'll be out of here tomorrow." A man said standing up and moving closer to me.

Oh god.

I didn't look up from my hands and hesitated to respond.

"How- how do you know that?"

"Because you didn't break the law, I can smell the innocents radiating off of you." He laughed.

Oh my god if that's not the most pedafile-Ish thing I've ever heard. I through myself away from the man and started to bite my nails. It was a nervous habit of mine.

"Blink-182," the man said in an appealing tone.

"What?" I asked. "My shirt? Yeah." I said tugging at the collar. I finally built up the courage to look at the man

"I played the same stage as them before." The man said.

I shot my eyes up at the man finally recognizing him. How could I not have seen this before?

"Oh my god, Jack Barakat." I smiled in complete shock. "What are you doing in prison?" I asked him.

"I can ask you the same thing." He laughed.

"Did you know, it's illegal to wear hot pink short shorts in public after midday Sunday in Australia?" He laughed. "Because I had no idea." He chuckled.

"That can't be the reason you're in here!" I asked. That sounded ridiculous.

At this point the officer chimed in. "It's one of those silly rules no one knows why it exists but it does." The officer chuckled.

"Yeah, no I was driving on the wrong side of the road and also I don't have a license also." He said face palming himself.

"Oh, yep that sounds like you." I giggled. "I'm a big fan of All Time Low." I said smiling. laugh. I wanted to fangirl so bad but I couldn't because, that wouldn't look to good in a jail setting.

"Yep." He chuckled. "I've been in here since yesterday." He said rubbing his temples. "What are you in for?" He asked and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"I, uh-" I hesitated.

"Don't worry, I'm not one to judge, what happen? You got arrested for dying your hair fire engine red?" He teased and I laughed awkwardly in response.

"My uh, one of my lads, he got beaten severely and I was accused. I didn't do it, I would never hurt Luke." I said covering my mouth because I slipped and said his name.

"I believe you, a fan of mine wouldn't hurt anyone to the point they'll get arrested for it." He smiled and shook his head down at the floor. "Yes they would." He whispered under his breath. "What's your name kid?"

"Michael Clifford." I said not taking my eyes off my poorly trimmed fingernails.

"Clifford? And you died your hair bright red? You got spunk kid." He laughed. I laughed along with him.

"Well, you don't have to worry about picking up the soap. I like it dirty." He winked over at me and I couldn't do anything but laugh.


The next morning I was woken up by loud sirens coming from outside.

"Time to wake up." The officer said and I heard Jack groan from the other bed on the other side of the room.

"Time to break up by Blink-182." He silently corrected the officer.

The police man walked over unlocking the cage we were confined in over night. "It's your lucky day, you got bailed out." He said referring to Jack.

"Awesome!" He said jumping up to his feet. "Hey kid," he said grabbing a paper and pen from the officers desk. "Text me when you get out, let me know how things go." He said handing me the small piece of paper and I grabbed onto it not letting it go as f my life depended on it.

Luke is not going to believe this. I met Jack Barakat in prison and got his number. If I didn't know any better I'd say this is just like the shitty fan fiction I wrote in year 8.


(A/n) that last sentence was an indirect to myself. Smh. 😂


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