Chapter 0.5

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"You're just a little bit out of my limit." (Womp Womp Womp Womp) Michael sang as he played his guitar, oh so flawlessly.

"It's been four years now, you haven't even seen the best of me."

"And in my mind now, I've been over this a thousand times." Michael sang, Calum joining in.

"That's it's all most over, let's start over."

"And Luke that's what you're going to sing." Michael smiled over at me.

Don't tell me what to do.

"Alright." I said forcing a smile. That actually sounded really good but I didn't show how much I actually liked.

Calum hit me on the back of my head.

"Ouch what was that for?" I whined rubbing the pain from Calum's hand colliding with my skull.

"Sorry I didn't mean to hit you that hard.. Maybe I did. I have unresolved issues with you Luke." Calum laughed letting me know he was kidding. "But can you at least pretend to like the song ? I wrote that all by myself in my bedroom."

"Woah cal you wrote that?" I asked in amazement.

"Yeah he did, he played it for me yesterday and blew my mind." Michael said. I rolled my eyes at him. He showed Michael before his own best friend?

"You two clearly need to be friends. So I'm going to do what all great friends do and leave you two strangers alone in the same room until you talk and realize that you both have uncontrollable feelings for me." Calum said patting both of us on the back and standing up shortly after.

I scoffed at Calum. "You are so full of yourself." I let of a laugh..

"Bye guys." Calum said running over to the door.

"Calum don't you open that door!" Michael shouted from across the room.

"I'm already turning the knob." He said opening the door a crack. "Oh no the out side world will soon be colliding with the inside of your house. I'm about to leave to a whole different dimension." Calum rambled on.

"Calum don't-" I said getting up to follow him.

"Nope!" Calum shouted swiftly sliding out of the house and slamming the door shut.

"Calum open the door!" I begged trying to rip the door open from the kiwis strong grip. "Jesus how are you so strong!"

"I just masterbate a lot." The kiwi said calmly but still loud enough for me to hear through the door. "You'll never take me alive!" He shouted releasing the door from his grip letting it swing open and hit me in the face.

"Shit!" I screeched in pain.

"Sorry Luke, you'll thank me for this later!" Calum shouted from his car before driving away.

"Fuck my tooth, is it bleeding?" I asked turning towards Michael.

"No, but your nose is."

"What?" I shouted. The sight of blood made me sick. I could already feel myself getting light headed.

"Uh, here I'll get you a tissue.." He awkwardly said stepping off into his kitchen.

I took a seat on the couch trying not to open my eyes. Seeing blood made me want to throw up.

"Here, Luke right?" He asked handing me a few tissues.

"Yeah. Thanks." I said mopping up what seemed to me a giant never ending stream of blood but was probably just a little bit and not as big of a deal as I was making it.

"So..." Michael awkwardly said trailing off. "This is painfully awkward, hows your nose?"" He asked avoiding eye contact with me. I was glad though I didn't want to look at him anyway.

"Still hurts," I said looking off. "I should probably go.." I said pulling out my phone and texting Ashton to come pick me up.

"Yeah.." He trailed off looking to the ground.
A few minutes later Ashton pulled up to Michael's house and I was out of the door trying to forget everything that had just happened.

Im going to kill Calum for this.

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