Chapter 0.1

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"What do you want from me!" I screamed at my mother as I slammed my bedroom door shut.

"I want you to be worth a damn!" She shouted in desperate attempt to get me to unlock my bedroom door as she pounded on it.

"Go the fuck away!" I shouted at first.
"I don't have anything for you." I said calming down but unable to control the cracking of my voice as I cried leaning up against the door.

"You're not really crying are you?" She asked, her voice lacking empathy.

"No, you're just really pissing me off. GO AWAY!" I shouted pounding on the door with all my strength. She finally listened and left to go drink down stairs.

She always need something. Money, alcohol, attention. I was practically raising her by now- telling her how to properly discipline and act around a kid my age. All I have ever done for her in the last few years was watch her drink the nonexistent pain that she claims she feels away. Every single day.

She makes me sick. Sad to the very core. I've never felt more sorry for a human being in my entire life. My Dad left her, my older brothers moved out when they were sixteen and I'm stuck with her. I'm actually scared that she may die if I leave. It's amazing how pity can keep you in place. How it can make you struggle through the worst of situations.

I picked up my phone sitting on my night stand to text Ashton:

Lucas: "Ashton can I get a ride to school?" I quickly pressed send and waited for a reply.

Ash: "Sure be there in a few! XD"
I walked down stairs, almost running to the door to avoid my mother.

"Don't fuck everything up when you get home. You always fuck with my plans." My mother snapped at me.

"I don't fucking NEED YOU!" I shouted slamming the door shut behind me and running to Ashton's car before she could open the door and say anything else.

I put my head down on the dash board letting a few tears- a shit ton on tears escape my eyes.

"Are you okay mate?" Ashton asked gently rubbing my back.

I quickly sat up and looked out of the passenger side window. My mother was walking towards the car.

"Yeah- Fucking drive, hurry!" I shouted in pure fear.

"Oh shit!" Ashton shouted acknowledging the facial expression glued on my mothers face. Ashton drove quickly away before my mom reached her arm out to grab the door handle.

"Are you alright?" Ashton asked again as we approached the school parking lot.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I said avoiding eye contact with the curly blonde hair'd boy. "Thanks for the ride." I said getting out of the car and walking to my first hour class.
A/n yay first chapter I hope ya guys like it

I'm not sure how often I should post :/

I think I'll post the second chapter later tonight maybe :3 but my name is Camie and I like 5sos more than I like myself

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