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I woke up cold and in my bed without the familiar touch of Michael's arms wrapped around me. He must of left early for school. Calum and Ashton were gone too, which was a relief because my mother would kill me. I wish I meant that figuratively but I truly believe that she would literally kill me if she found me in the same bed with another boy whom she had no idea existed.

I stretched my body before carelessly plopping out of bed onto my feet. I decided to wear my hair down because it covered a lot of the dark bruises and red cuts along my forehead. I had no idea how to explain the giant bruises on each side of my face though. They were so visible, they looked like they were purposely put there. Meaning, when somebody asks me about them I can't just say 'I fell'. I'd have to lie and tell them I got in a fight.

I looked at myself in the mirror. A shattered reflection of someone that was supposed to look like me stared back. I couldn't recognize the stranger with all the bruises and cuts and missing pieces of glass from when I punched the mirror a few weeks ago. I hated my reflection.

I hated myself.

I still hate myself.

I let out a long sigh before turning away from the mirror.

I threw on some clothes I found hiding in the giant mess that was my clean pile of clothes and quietly headed downstairs. I decided that I wanted to walk to school, I didn't really care if I was late. I didn't want to go to school today anyway, but anything was better than being home. Even school.

I stepped outside to feel the cold bitter air slap me in the face. I winced at the pain. I wasn't used to the stinging sensation that resided in my flesh yet.

The pain immediately gave me a raging headache and I realized that I physically couldn't walk to school. My body hurt too much.

I just wanted Michael to be here. He's always so warm, even when he says he's cold. I wanted him to just talk to me. I've grown so accustom to his voice already.

I walked along side the road until a familiar red truck pulled up next to me. "Hey baby, I'll give you a twenty for a quicky before school." Calum laughed and winked from the passenger side of Ashton's car.

His face went serious as soon as he noticed my bruises. "Get in." He demanded.

"Cal, I can walk really it's fi-"

"Michael's in the back." He whispered and winked at me again.

"Fine I'll get in. But only because I don't want to walk in the cold." I said as he snickered and whispered the words "yeah right."

"Buckle you're seat belts lads." Ashton smiled from the driver seat.

I scooted closer to Michael as I buckled myself in. The car ride was mostly silent between the two of us. But we both kept up conversations with ashton and Calum. We would let each other know that we were listening to each other by casually looking over and smiling. It was quite strange though, how we had nothing to talk about.

We pulled up to school and I sat back in my seat.

"Are you coming mate?" Michael asked stepping out of the car with the two other lads.

I sat there, leaning my head against the back of the passenger seat and shook my head. I tried to cover the tears that spaciously fell into my lap but I couldn't.

"You guys go ahead." He said before he climbed into the car.

He took a seat right next to me and swung his right arm over me and pulled me close to him.

"Luke, please come inside with me." He rubbed the side of my head.

I sat there silently, I could hear the flocks of students hurrying to class before the first bell rang. I didn't want to go inside. I didn't want people to stare at me. I didn't want Sammie to see me especially. Mostly because I didn't want anything to do with her. I knew she would probably want to talk about things that I didn't want to talk about. Like the whole pregnancy thing and ...my jacked up face.

I just wanted to spend the entire day with Michael and not have to worry about anyone else.

"C'mon Lukey, we can get through today together and we won't have to worry about facing this day ever again." He hugged me a bit tighter.

I sighed, breaking away from his warm gentle touch. "Walk me to my first hour class?" I asked him, trying to manage a faint smile on my face but it hurt to move my mouth like that.

"Only on one condition." He smiled shifting uncomfortably in his seat. I looked over at him wanting to hear what the terms of the condition were. "We have to hold hands the whole way." His face flushed red and he shot his eyes down to the ground.

I smiled a bit wider, this time ignoring the pain. "Deal." I said as I watched his eyes light up with excitement.

"Okay let's go!" He cheered grabbing my hand and pulling me out of his side of the car.

We locked our fingers together and began walking with the giant crowd of students who were now more focused on the two boys holding each other's hands.

So much for not wanting people to stare at me.


Short filler chapter guys sorry dis one kinda stinks

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