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Awhile later we walk back to our family, I take off Xiaojun's jacket and give it back to him but he puts it back on me. We didn't talk about the incident from earlier anymore, but I could tell that by looking at him that it was bothering him. 

It was getting late but our parents insisted that we stayed longer as they wanted to introduce us to other families who were coincidentally having kids. Xiaojun leans in "wanna go home? I got an idea" from the look of us it seemed like he had an evil plan in his head. "but you gotta work with me wifey," he says. 

Before I had the chance to respond he picked me up bridal style and kissed me. I immediately started blushing, why was he causing such a scene. "dad will you excuse us, we have some business to attend to,"  he says walking away with me in his arms. 

My cheeks were burning as we walked to the car, "Xiao put me down," he chuckles. "No they are watching us," he says. He sits me down on the seat closes the door and drives away.   

Once I calm myself I turn to look at him, "why didn't they stop us?" he looks at me and smirks. "You are so innocent aren't you," he says. "They think we are going to make a baby," he says. I feel my cheeks heat up again, why was I imagining it. 

He touches my forehead, "don't tell me that made you blush," he says making fun of me. I turn my head to look out the window as I subconsciously smile. Once we get home we return to our separate rooms not talking for the rest of the night.  

I sit down at my desk remembering my homework assignment, I had completely forgotten about it. Freaking out I get out of my room and rush over to the kitchen. 

Joshua was going to make the decorations and the cream and frosting while i had to bake the 3-tier cake. As I make my way into the kitchen I see Xiaojun sitting at the table eating the left over homework assignments I had. 

He chokes from seeing me and he covers the lid, "I-i um I was hungry and I like your cooking," he says with his mouth half full. I chuckle at his cute expression. Wait did I just call him cute? 

"I don't care if you eat it or not, we share our food" I say getting out the ingredients I had bought earlier in the week. I hear him stand up and walk towards me with a spoonful of food. 

"So what you doing?" he says out of curiosity. "I forgot I had homework so I need to do it" I explain to him while I start mixing the flour and eggs. As I was having trouble mixing it he took the bowl from me and started mixing it. 

"Get the molds and the tiers," he says. "I'll handle it," he lightly says. Why was he being so nice to me. Following his orders I get the stuff while I add the other ingredients to the mixture. 

He takes his fingers and tastes the batter, he smiles "man this is good you better leave some for me," he says. I smile at him nodding. We soon put in the three cakes in the oven. 

"Now we wai-" before I had the chance to respond he covers my face with with flour. "That costs money," I say grabbing his hands and rubbing them on his face. "I'll buy them all then," he says wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me close.  

We stayed quiet with our faces nearly touching, he moves in closer and eventually our lips touch. This time it felt different it was full of love. He finally pulled away smiling at me, "sorry I just wanted to kiss you," he says letting go of me and walking to the oven to see if the cakes were ready. 

Next Morning

We didn't talk about what happened even while we were arranging the cakes. Last night he was acting different, was it was Joshua said? 

I got up early to find a way of how I was going to carry the cake all the way to school. My car wasn't exactly big. Was I going to have to walk all the way there? I hear Xiaojun's footsteps enter the kitchen. 

Quietly he picks up the cake, grabs his car keys and jackets and tosses it to me. "Come we don't want to be late," he says going outside. Stunned I followed him and locked the door, we never went to school together saying he didn't want to be seen with me. 

We both sat in his car and drove to school, "so is he going to decorate it?" he says. I nod, "yeah i will help him too," 

At school everyone was looking at us, Xiaojun seemed unfazed by the attention we were getting. He carried the cake with me trailing after him like a lost puppy, we meet with Joshua who was waiting for me. "oh y/n i'm glad you came," he says taking the cake as we walk away from him. I turn to look at Xiaojun smiling, "thanks" 

Once again the tense air that surrounded both of them was there. It bothered me that I might be stuck in between something they had


She smiled at me, it's so pretty. I watched her leave with him. Why did I feel so upset? I should have followed her along with him. She's slowly driving me crazy and she doesn't even know. 

"Xiaojun! um long time no see!" Juyeon walked up to me, but her smiled didn't faze me the same way y/n's did.  

Was I falling for her? Or did I already fall? 



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