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Xiaojun spent most of his days in his office now that his father had forced him to take over his job. He didn't work at the company yet but he will soon. I go to the kitchen and start making food, it's what I did whenever I was stressed out.  

Sooji was Xiaojun's cousin, why was she working with his mom? Who was helping her? Deep in thought while cutting vegetables was a bad idea. I wince in pain dropping the knife. 

Xiaojun runs in running towards me as he takes my finger. "Babe I told you to be careful," he says squeezing it to slow the blood. Using his other hand he reaches out to the medkit and takes out a bandage. 

He kisses my finger feeling satisfied, he reaches down and picks up the knife washing it. "So what's got you stressed out?" he asks cutting the carrots for me. He knew me so well, "Sooji, I need to know," I tell him taking the carrots and putting them on the pan.  

"Babe I don't want you worrying about it, just focus on me," he says putting his finger on my chin and leaning in to kiss me. He always knew how to make me feel better, we made our dinner together. 

"Xiao, are you going to your dad's company tomorrow?" I ask him as we sit down to eat together. He nods, "you are coming with me since they need to know who you are." He says taking a bite of the food. 

Xiaojun's POV

I went back to my office to work on some documents while y/n said she was going to watch her dramas on the TV. I grabbed my bag and something fell out, it was a pregnancy test. Why would it be here? I turned it around to see it was positive. 

I felt my blood go cold, she can't be. We haven't done it in a while. If she was she would have told me. Because of that tea she most likely lost it, then was that scene real? No she wouldn't have been laughing about it. 

My phone dings. I turn on my phone to look at the messages.  

It's mine: Juyeon

if you don't want her knowing stop getting in the way: Juyeon 

what the hell? we broke up ages ago: Xiaojun 

remember when you got so drunk the day after your wedding and we had some fun: Juyeon 

I went straight home: Xiaojun 

Plus it's been months your bump would have shown: Xiaojun 

I hid it, so deal?: Juyeon

deal: Xiaojun 

I put my head on the desk trying to remember what happened the day I got drunk. I came home with a sick feeling in my stomach, when it hit me, "Why can't I be with you Juyeon,"

I stood in horror, how could I let this happen. "Xiaojun you idiot!" I sigh. The door opens and I see y/n walk-in giggling, "Idiot why?" she says setting down at the plate of fruits. 

She then moves on and sits on my lap wrapping his arms around my neck. "I'm sorry you have to do all the work," she says lightly kissing my lips. I smile kissing her back, how could I ever hurt her.  

"To make things easier for you I told my dad to let me do his part of the work, so you don't add to your stress," she says. "Thank you babe but what about your cooking," she chuckles. "It's more of a hobby, eventually I'm to be CEO of Kim enterprises," she says sighing.   

She was going to give up her dream, guess being from a powerful family meant you had to give up what you love. I continued to work while she was playing with my shirt and feeding me fruits. What Juyeon said lingered in my head, stop getting in the way of what?   


In the morning we were getting ready to go to the company, she came into my office showing me her new dress. I smiled at how pretty she was, "babe come on don't sit here all day," she says walking over to me tugging on my arm. 

I had made sure to hide the test from her, but it made me feel like a jerk every time I kissed her, held her in my arm, told her I loved her. 

Hand in hand we both walked into the company greeted by the directors. We both bowed while they greeted us. "Mr. and Mrs. Xiao thank you for taking the time to come," I look over at y/n who smiled when being called Mrs. Xiao. Awhile ago she would have hated being called that and corrected them. 

"I have a lot to learn since I will be taking the CEO position soon," I reply following them to the main conference room. Father and Mother were going to be moving back to China once they passed the position to me.  

We sat in the conference room by ourselves while they went to get some documents, "Hey does it feel scary to be taking such a big role," Y/N asked me looking around, she was nervous as well, since one day she was going to do the same. 

"Well not if you have a loved one by your side," I say taking her hand. She smiles warmly at me. She was making this hard, will she love me if I tell her. What will she think of me? She will hate me. 



Something had been bothering him, it must be because he was nervous to take on a position he had tried so hard to avoid for years.  

I sat there listening to what they were talking about, taking in all the information. "Mrs. Xiao?" I look up upon hearing my name being called. "You will become CEO of Kim enterprises right? We will need you to sign this to become business partners," the new assistant says. 

Xiaojun moves the papers so I can sign it, once I do it he takes it adding his name on there. 

After the meeting, we walk outside to get some dinner when we see Juyeon.  

She walks over to me putting something in my hands. 

It was a pregnancy test. 

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