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After our day at the beach, we hadn't gone out for a while I only went out to have some tea with his mother. "Xiaojun," I say hugging him while he stared at his phone watching funny videos. 

He turned around and gave me his full attention, "It's my mother's birthday so we need to go and this may be a chance to figure some things out," I tell him. He stayed quiet thinking about some things. 

"Sooji has some sort of connection to my mom, plus your father doesn't like her," he says. 

We get up from bed and start getting ready to head to my parent's home. I could already see myself being the talk of the town.  

After we had finished we drove to the house, "babe keep everyone distracted while I go up to your dad's office," he says explaining his plan. 

I nod kissing him, "fighting!" I say getting out of the car only to be pulled and kissed by him. 

As we entered everyone's eyes were on us, "Y/N is it true that you are expecting?" a cousin of mine says. Xiaojun nodded at me as I prepared my dramatic entrance. 

I hugged my cousin tightly pretending I was crying, She hugged me back, saying "what's wrong are you okay?" that got everyone's attention including our mom's. Xiaojun rushed upstairs. 

Mom came up to me holding my arms, "dear what happened, wipe away those tears," she says wiping away the tears I had forced myself to drop. I hugged my mother, "mom I lost the baby," I say sobbing. 

"Oh dear," she says expressing her concern as she held me into her arms. One thing I loved about her was that even though we came from a powerful family she loved me how a mother should love her child.  

She walked me into her room and sat me down wiping my tears, "It must have been so hard, you were so happy," she says stroking my cheek. "One day I woke up and felt a sharp pain on my stomach and when I went to the doctor-" before I finished I burst into tears hugging her. 

She hugs me back stroking my hair as father walked into the room, he sat down next to us. "Y/N I'm sorry that this happened you were probably too young," he says. I wanted to laugh so I just kept hugging my mom. 

There's a light knock on the door, "It's Xiaojun can I come in," mother quickly signals my father to get the door. 

Thank goodness he came to rescue me, "ma'am everyone is wondering if you and y/n are okay?" he says. Mother pulls away from me standing up. "ah well I am the host, Xiaojun please take care of her, I'm sorry for your lost," she says leaving with my day. 

Xiaojun sits next to me in silence, "they're gone now so you can look up," he says. I look up and take my mirror out to check if my make up wasn't messy. "Did you find anything?" I ask him. "Yep," he says showing me pictures of documents. 

They were in Chinese, "Sorry I don't speak-" he chuckles. "No worries you do have a Chinese husband," he says. "These are adoption papers for Zhang Feifei," he says after he read everything. "Who is Zhang Fei Fei," I ask him. 

He shrugs but keeps reading, "Mao Yue and Zheng Yifan are the parents," he says. "Your mom's last name is Mao," I suggest. "Her name is Mao Shen," he stops midsentence. "Mao Yue is my mom's sister," he finally says. 

I stand up and take his hand, "let's go down people are going to worry, we got what we wanted," I tell him. He looked upset but managed to put on a smile. We had finally gone down and met with my mother who had a concerned look on her face. "I'm fine now, guess I just needed to be in your arms," I reassure her. 

We walk to the food and enjoy each other company, Xiaojun takes my hand and pulls me into the dance floor, "Xiaojun I don't dance," he smiles pulling me closer. "follow my lead," he says as we move gracefully. 


As everyone leaves the house, it was now us, Xiaojun's parents and my parents sitting down in the living room. "Y/N I'm sorry for your loss," his mom said, but she looked happy about it. Which my mom had noticed, "Mrs. Xiao why do you seem pleased," asks surprising everyone. 

Mama bear had come out, "When my dear y/n came crying to me from the corner of my eyes I saw you smiling," she says. Both of our fathers look at her suspiciously. She clears her throat, "well Mrs. Kim you saw wrong, I was on the phone with my sister that I didn't realize what was happening," she said. 

Mom stared at her, "well my it was a misunderstanding please forgive me," she tells. The two older ladies exchange looks and smile. 

"Excuse us we must go now," Xiaojun stands up. "Y/N had a rough day today so she needs to rest," he says hitting my shoulder so I can act like I'm tired. I stand up after him, "well it's been a mentally tiring day" mother nods standing up after me. 

"Please call me in case you need me," she says grabbing my hands. I felt a piece of paper land on my hand as she let me go. 

Once we were in the car I open the piece of paper which was written in Chinese. I guess it was for Xiaojun to read. He takes it from me, "Your wife's pregnancy loss wasn't an accident," he read it for me.  

"But I'm not-" he crumbles the note. "Someone doesn't want you having a child and I think I know who," he says turning on the car. "Who Xiao" he looks at me. "My mother," I think back to the last couple of days when I had tea with her. 

"Remember after you had tea with her you came down with a fever and stomach pain," he says. "Something tells me that tea had some drug that harms babies," that will explain the note. 



"sister she's no longer expecting we can proceed," 

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