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He touches my cheek, "I don't want to pretend anymore y/n, screw the rules" he says pulling my head down kissing me passionately and forcefully. I kissed him back trying to catch up to his speed.  

A few minutes later we both pull away catching our breath, "I like you y/n, so screw the rules," he says kissing me once again. I hold his face and kiss him, "I like you too," he smiles as he carries me to his room. 

"Hey um I-" he shuts me up with a kiss, "we are married so why not share a room," he says. Blushing I nod as lay down next to him as he hugs me tightly. It made me happy that he felt the same way as me.  

Next Morning

I woke up with Xiaojun staring at me, he smiled once I opened my eyes. "good morning wifey," he said pecking my lips. He made me smile as I hugged him. 

He got up, "last day of school, so come on," he said getting ready. I nodded and headed over to my room and started getting ready. I wore my black skirt and a lightly pink shirt with a white vest over it. 

Xiaojun walked into my room, he stared at me and walked over to me sitting me on his lap. He kissed my neck, "wifey can you not wear this," he says looking at my skirt. I kiss his nose shaking my head, "It's cute plus no one will ever notice me," I say thanking my social outcast. 

He nods, "fine but you'll be by my side," he says walking out to prepare some breakfast. Once I finished I head over to the kitchen to see Xiaojun struggling with the pancakes. I walk over and flip it before it would burn. 

We sit down and eat together, "so what's your final?" I ask him. "Oh I have to make a business plan and how i will earn money, you?" I take a bite. "I have to cook a meal in a given time," I say.  

After breakfast we make our way to school, he takes my hand kissing my forehead as we walk inside the campus. Everyone's eyes were on us, Xiaojun was so popular it was shocking to see him with a social outcast like me. 

As we walked into the group of people he held my hand tightly. But as we passed by Juyeon he slowly let go of my hand. I was disappointed that he was still hung up on her. 

He looks over at me with a smile on his face as he pecks my lips, "you will come to the party right?" he says. I wasn't the party type but seeing as it was somewhat important to him I nodded my head. 

He smiled patting my head. 


Joshua waved at me as I walked into class, "hey y/n I guess you are coming to the party," he says showing me the invitation that was posted online. "Well Xiaojun wants me to come so I guess," I say. He chuckles, "well i'll be there Juyeon is dragging me there," he says. 

I look at him in curiosity, "You and Juyeon? you never mentioned you were dating her," I say. He looks at me with an annoyed look, "You didn't tell me about your marriage so I didn't tell you," he coldly responds.

I rolled my eyes and looked the other way, since he had found out about of relationship he's been cold and distant. 


When the final bell rang Xiaojun was already there waiting. He took my hand as we made our way to his car. "Don't look so pretty ok?" he says turning on the car. 

I didn't realize he was the jealous type. "Okay but don't look too handsome," he chuckles, "wifey have you seen my face" he says making me laugh. 

We had only stopped at the house to leave our stuff and change our clothes. 

Xiaojun walked into the room, he stared at me for a second and smiled. "Stay by my side okay," he says pulling me into his arms. I nod kissing his cheek, he smiles moving his head and kissing me passionately.  

The party was at a club, there was already a lot of people and the loud music was playing. Xiaojun's grip tightens as we walk inside. He sits me down where the rest of the boys were. 

"sup y/n, you look nice" Hendery says making room for me to sit. Xiaojun sat down next to me putting his arm around my waist. He had a beer in his hand and was enjoying the sound of the music. He looked really hot that I couldn't help but stare at him. 

He catches my eyes and smirks, "wifey, don't stare at me like that you'll make me want to something," he whispers. Flustered I look away and grab a shot of tequila and drink it. It tasted bad.

Xiaojun takes the shot glass, "first time huh?" he chuckles at my reaction from the shot.  "I wanna dance," I happily say looking at the dance floor. He looks at me and back at the dance floor. "No," I pout at him moving closer to him. 

"If you don't i'll go," Taeil says getting up and offering his hand to me. Xiaojun gets up and pulls me with him. We were now at the dance floor having fun and dancing. 

Xiaojun pulls me into his chest kissing my neck, "there are too many guys out there so I gotta show them that you are mine," he says kissing me again. I smile at him as we continue to slowly sway our hips. 


We finally sit down, "hey imma go get some drinks," he says looking around. I nod and watch him leave. 

A couple of minutes later he still doesn't come back. "hey y/n you okay? where's Xiao" Joshua says sitting next to me. I shrug looking at the dance floor to see Xiaojun kissing Juyeon. 

My heart drops, "guess he was lying," Joshua scoffs. I chuckle serving myself a shot of tequila. I don't stop taking them, over time they actually starting tasting good. Joshua takes the shot from me, "stop he's not worth it," he says sounding concerned. I couldn't sit up straight anymore, I grabbed Joshua and pulled him for a passionate kiss which he returned.

Everything was blurry as I felt my vision fading. 

What really happened

She touched his lips as he angrily pushed her away, "what they hell! Juyeon!" he says. 




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