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Xiaojun looked at me in shock and looked back at Juyeon whose eyes were glued on the picture. Xiaojun gets up and takes the picture from my hands taking it back where it was, "hey didn't you say we were going to hang it where everyone could see!" I yell out. 

Juyeon stands up, I could't read her face was she happy or upset. She smiles at me, it was different than last time, this time it looked like the smile my sister always gave me. "I didn't know you too were married, it's getting late I must go now," she says walking to the door.  

As the door closes all the boys start clapping, "you did well, we don't like her" Sungchan says closing the door making sure she was gone. "Why?" I ask them. "She is so fake, it's obvious she was chasing after Xiao hyung for his money," Shotaro adds in. 

Then why was Xiaojun so into her, "but i don't think he likes her as much anymore," Taeyong says. Xiaojun comes back with some nails and a hammer, he still looked upset. "You wanna hang the picture so bad huh? fine!" he says tossing the hammer to Jaehyun. 

Guess this was karma, I watched as they hung our wedding picture. "Hey how did Juyeon know you lived her now," Lucas asks once the picture is hung. He shrugs, "I don't know, I never told her," he says. 

I get up and walk to the kitchen to make some food for everyone. "let us help," Jisung says running into the kitchen followed by Jaemin and Mark. 

While they are in the kitchen....

"Hey Xiao can you tell us what you feel for y/n?" Yuta asks. Xiaojun looks at him feeling flustered, "I don't know, she's amazing but why would she want to be with a guy like me," he says. Ten chuckles, "you know she kinda has to now, until death does you apart," all of them chuckle. 

Maybe he started to see a new side of her that he really liked. 


"Hey this food is delicious!" Haechan says taking a bite of the kimchi stew we had made. I smile feeling happy that they liked it. I take a bite of my food listening to their conversations that were taking place. 

My phone dings, I'm coming over, we got to talk about how you've been acting~mom

I glare at my phone, what did she mean I haven't been acting different. Before I had the chance to brace myself she was already at the door. "hey Johnny get that" Xiaojun says but I stand up before him. "No i'll get it it's for me," I say my heart was beating fast.  

As I open the door I feel a strong force against my face as I fall to the ground. Xiaojun rushes over to my side. "Oh my sorry Xiaojun didn't know you had company," mom says acting innocently. I touch my throbbing cheek, she's never hit me this hard. 

"Now y/n I hope this teaches you how not to embarrass me or your father, I did not teach you this way!," she yells raising her hand again. "With all due respect Mrs. Kim I don't want you hitting my wife for something I did," he says. 

It was bad enough he had to see but the rest of the boys saw too, I watch as mom walks away.  

Xiaojun turns to look at me in concern, my eyes were watery from the pain on my cheek. He picks me up, "i'll be right back keep eating," he tells the boys as he carries me to his room. He sits me down on his bed and applies a bandage on my cheek to soothe the pain. 

I looked down too embarrassed to face him, he cups my face and forces me to look at him. He weakly smiles as I finally burst into tears hugging him. He strokes my hair, "sorry it's my fault," he says. I shake my head, "No it's mine too," he shakes my head. "No I don't want you acting like them," he leans in and gives me a soft kiss on the lips. 

It was soft and not forced, I kissed him back as he wipes the tears off my face. As we pull away I lightly smile blushing. He smiled back at me kissing my forehead, "I'll make sure you don't get hurt anymore," he says. 

We walk back outside to where the boys had finished eating, Yuta rushes over to me cupping my face, "are you okay? are your legs okay you fell pretty hard. I nod smiling at him, "I was surprised that's all, she's never done that" I weakly say. He nods pulling me in for a hug only for Xiaojun to pull him away from me. 

"Mark heated up the food so you can eat," Jeno says handing me my plate that I didn't finish. I nod and sit down at the table while the boys cleaned up everything.  

Later the boys finally go home and it's just me and him alone, we were going to go on break soon so it meant we needed to spend more time with his family. We sat down and watched a movie,I touched my cheek it still kinda hurt. 

Xiaojun gets up, "does it still hurt? want me to get some ice?" he says. I shake my head, "it'll be better by tomorrow" I say. He nods laying down on my legs staring at me instead of watching the movie.  

He touches my cheek, "I don't want to pretend anymore y/n, screw the rules"





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