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couple days later

Xiaojun's POV

2 hours had gone by, the meeting we were supposed to attend was already about to start. Y/N wasn't answering her phone. Her mom walked out to meet me, her face was full of worry, "Please tell me y/n answered her phone," she says freaking out. Soon her father also walks in, "I canceled the meeting, for now, it seems Sooji is a step faster," he says. 

My heart drops, something happened to her. I watch her mother collapse. Quickly I kneel down to catcher her before she hit the ground. Her father calls for her, "I should have warned her! my precious daughter" she starts sobbing as the assistants come to help her. 

"Sir, what do we do now?" I ask him. Although no one said anything we knew what had happened to her. At the entrance, we see my father hurriedly walk-in, "They are headed to the airport," he says. 

My phone starts ringing, it was y/n. Quickly I answer it and put it on speaker. "Babe" no response it was only a laugh. The facetime option turned on, in horror, I saw Sooji on the screen. "oh right I kidnapped your precious daughter that you loved so much," she says aiming at Mr. Kim. 

"I don't see why you love her so much when I was there too," she cries out. "That's simple you aren't my daughter," Mr. Kim says. On the corner, I see y/n's weak body, while my mother held her up. 

"Sorry, you weren't supposed to see that," Sooji moves the camera. "Where is she, y/n doesn't deserve this," I yell out while our lawyers start calling the police. "Really y/n doesn't deserve this when she was the one that took everything from me," she says. 

"Even you Xiaojun, I loved you but you don't," Sooji says. Barely being able to hear the next few sentences were shocking, "I thought you said y/n wasn't pregnant," immediately the call hangs up. 

Her mom wobbles to us, "d-did they say she's pregnant?" she must have gotten pregnant from the other day we had sex. "We need to find her! I can't imagine the pain my daughter must be in!" her mom cries to her husband.  

The call comes in again, "Oh by the way I forgot, hand over the CEO rights to me and let her go," she says hanging up the phone. The background looked familiar but where have I seen it. 

Pretty soon my friends walked in, "you okay," Jaemin says. "Did they leave any hints?" Yuta takes my phone looking at the picture I had screenshotted. Every minute they sent us a video of them torturing her. 

Her mother had to be sent home, due to the videos. "Please don't harm her baby" she cried out to me. "Save her" was the last thing she said. "Wait so she is," Jisung says. "Y/N probably doesn't know," I tell the boys. 

Mark stands up and goes to the map we had laid out, "the abandoned amusement park, see here in the corner are lights you typically see at one," he says. The police were searching in other places, we don't know how much time we have until they decide to kill her. 

Quickly we run out to the cars and make our way over there. 


I looked at my blood-stained hands, the pain was numbing and I couldn't feel it anymore. I watch MIL walks up to me holding a test, "take it I need to know for sure," she says. She stands me up and drags me to the bathroom. 

My body was in pain but I couldn't feel it anymore, I quietly take the test and throw it to her not looking at the result. I had the urge to throw up as they tied me back to the chair, my body was too weak to fight back.  

MIL comes and throws me the test, she was furious "I'll get rid of that baby myself," she says. I was pregnant. I light smile appears on my face as I touch my stomach, she comes back holding a knife. 

"Stand her up" she yells. This time I had the strength to fight back. I shook my body as fast as I could so they wouldn't be able to hold me. But it was no use my body fell down as Sooji held me up. 

I felt the knife hit my stomach as I fell down blood dripping from my mouth. Before the second hit came a gun went off and MIL fell to the ground. I looked up to see Johnny who was a police officer with a gun. 

Due to the impact of the knife and the blood loss, I was starting to lose consciousness, "Y/N stay with me," I see Xiaojun embrace my hurting body as I slowly fell asleep. 

Xiaojun's POV

She was rushed to the hospital quickly, her mother had met us over there. They had patched up all her wounds but they told us she took a big hit and fell into a coma due to the shock. Luckily for us, it was only going to last a few days. 

"Mr. Xiao?" The doctor calls for me he had a sad expression on his face. I knew what it was, we were too late to save them. "Your wife she was expecting wasn't she," he says. Her mother joins me holding my hand tightly as he delivered the news. 

"She lost the baby, it was too much of an impact to save them." my heart drops. Y/N laughed it off the first time since she made it up. I couldn't imagine what she was going to feel. Her mother weakly smiled at me, "I'll tell her, the first time I knew it was fake,"  

"How" she chuckles. "I know my daughter, and I also know when she's afraid of someone," "that day she was weary of your mother so I played along," she says. I wish my mother knew me like that. 

I walked back to the room, y/n slowly fluttered her eyes open. "Xiao-" she touches her stomach in happiness. Tears ran down my face, "babe- I" her mother takes my hand and leaves me outside. 

From outside I could hear her soft tears as she cried into her mom's arms.





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