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Xiaojun's POV

There she was kissing Joshua in front of me, she had some nerve. As I walked closer to her I quickly came to realize that she was blacked out drunk. Joshua must have done this, the thing that happened with Juyeon is too much of a coincidence. 

I walked up to the two of them and took her into my arms, she was passed out from all the alcohol. "You got her drunk to kiss her?" I angrily tell him. He smirks at me, "no, she did this herself. Saw you making out with Juyeon next thing you know she's drunk," he says walking away.  

Her mascara and hair were all ruined, carefully I picked her and her things up so we can head home. Hopefully the next morning I could explain to her what happened, I just hoped it wasn't too late. 

I laid her down on the bed and headed down to the kitchen to get some water for when she feels like throwing up. When I returned she was sitting up, "babe here," she harshly takes the water from. "You know I like you but why do you do this," she says pouting. 

She was the cute and clingy drunk, I watch her move closer to me with our lips almost touching, I stared at her plump lips wanting to kiss them. She was drunk I shouldn't do this. "Xiao I'm your wife, why don't you kiss me," she says pulling me to her closing her eyes waiting for me to kiss her. 

"you're drunk," I tell her only to make her cry. "fine," I say pulling her in for a sweet kiss. Knowing her she was going to be mad at me tomorrow, we make out for a few more minutes until she finally falls asleep. 

Y/n's POV

I wake up with a pounding headache, I look around to see the familiar room in front of me. Gasping I look at my clothes luckily it was the same one I wore yesterday. I look next to me Xiaojun was still sleeping. 

Lazily I get up to get some water and make some soup, only for me he doesn't deserve it. But first I decided to get changed. 

When I had finished Xiaojun was already in the kitchen, he ordered some soup. No, I was mad at him so I need to make my own. I grab the pot only for him to grab my hand, "there's some on the table, just eat it," he harshly says. 

He had no right to be mad at me. 

I sat down at the table and ate the soup in front of me, it was the first time we ever ate together in silence. He looked like he was angry at me but why? I can't remember anything that happened after I saw him kiss her. 

After breakfast, he stood up and went into his room, some jerk he is. I finished cleaning up and went into the living room to watch some of the dramas that I was watching. 

A very sad scene was playing, why did he have to say goodbye. I burst into tears just as Xiaojun walked into the room. He crawled onto the couch and cupped my face, "why are you crying? she forcefully kissed me, but I pushed her away I don't like her I like you," he says in a concerned tone. 

I wipe my tears on my blanket and look at him, "I was crying because of the drama," I say pointing at the TV. "I kissed Joshua, and I'm sorry," I tell him. He smiles kissing my nose, "did you remember what we did last night," he asks with a smirk on his face. 

Last night? Did something happen? he laughs at my blank reaction. "Nah I'm kidding we just made out," he says. "Made out? when I was mad at you? what was I thinking," I say feeling mad at myself.  

I look at my phone, a message from my sister. Let's meet there's something I need to tell you, seems like they couldn't do what I asked, Do what she asked? something must be off she never cared about what I did until I got married. 

"She wants to meet at my dad's company," I say getting up to get ready. 


Bracing myself for what she was going to tell me I walked into my dad's company but was stopped by him. "My daughter are you here for Xiaojun?" he says. I nodded not knowing what was happening. 

"We asked Xiaojun to come to the other d-" we were interrupted by him. "Father-in-law I'm here," he says walking in. He was wearing a suit, I never get tired of seeing him dressed up. "Y/N your ring slipped off in the car," he says putting on my ring. 

I looked at father, he was smiling feeling satisfied with what was happening. "Sooji asked me to meet her here, so I will leave the two of you," I say. Father looks at me with a concerned look. "Sooji? I well can't stop you from seeing your sister but be careful," he says. 

Xiaojun was also concerned, I held his hand "I'll be okay," I say kissing his hand. He nods following my father to the meeting room. I walked into the library that the company had, she was already sitting there with a coffee in her hand. 

She scans me up and down, "I didn't get you one," she says holding up her coffee. "because I don't like you," she says patting the table so I can sit down.  

"what do you want," she scoffs taking out pictures for me to see. "The day you and your husband caused some drama I snuck away and went into the house just to see," she says. The pictures were of documents. 

"Seems like dad is going to hand over his company to Xiaojun, and then Xiaojun's parents are going to divorce both of you to keep the company to themselves," my heart dropped, this was all a scam? "Xiaojun doesn't know, but his parents have the divorce papers ready," she says. 

I ran out of the library and ran to the meeting room,  






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