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We pulled up at his parents house, it was much bigger than ours. His mom, my mom and the person I didn't want to see were there. Xiaojun had gone quiet, the event from earlier must of left him in shock. 

He looked at me, "guess you can get over that bastard right," he says trying to cheer me up, I smile at him getting out of the car. We both bow to our moms as they hug us. 

They were weirdly nice today, was it because of what happened at the party? "Come let's have some tea and talk about the future," his mom says pulling in into the backyard. I noticed my sister hanging back trailing after us, she looked sad.  

Xiaojun grabbed my hand as we walked in bumping into our fathers who were already sitting waiting for someone to serve them. "Y/n can you show me how to bake the cookies, I tried to follow the recipe from your mother but they don't taste the same," she says pulling me to the kitchen.

Was I supposed to serve my husband like they do? My sister also followed along. In the kitchen the're were cookies and tea ready to be served. "Y/N please come and take these to the boys," they hand me a big plate of cookies. As I took them Xiaojun grabbed the plate from me and carried it outside. 

"aren't you happy your husband isn't brainwashed" my sister starts off once we are alone. I put down the sugar I was holding, "why are even here?" I ask her. She scoffs taking the sugar, "I wanna play this little game, I just came her to warn you," she says walking away from me.  

We both step out and join the rest, "Xiaojun, you are supposed to let your wife serve you," I hear his dad say glaring at me. Xiaojun puts down his spoon, in order to avoid trouble I pick up the spoon only for him to hold my hand. "Father, I'm not gonna be some husband that expects his wife to clean up after him," he coldly says. His father sets down his tea cup, he was angry.

He took the hot cup and threw it at him, "get out! come back when you respect me!" he yells. Xiaojun grabs me hand as we leave the house, I had never seen him this angry. Was he in pain from the hot tea? 

We sit on the car as he drives away, i grab a handkerchief from my purse and softly wipe away the tea from his face, "does it burn? I'm sorry i should of acted like a wi-" he stops me with a lightly smile on his face. 

"I'd rather be in pain than see you acting like them," he says pinching my cheek. I smile cleaning up his face, it was slightly red due to the hotness of the tea. We finally make it back home, all his friends were at the door waiting for us, "hey what took you so long!" Johnny says walking to the car. 

His face drops as he looks at him in concern, "did you get your dad mad?" he asks as we get out of the car. Xiaojun smiles, "you should of seen his face" he says laughing but he was concealing his pain. 

Winwin walks over to me, "you okay?" he asks. "It's my fault," i lightly say. Winwin chuckles, "it's not, plus I think Xiaojun would take the tea rather than seeing you take it," he says slightly reassuring me. 

They sit down on the couch and take out the alcohol, while Xiaojun went to change. "Hey y/n you got a package!" Jungwoo called out from the door. He brought it in, it was the size of a painting which I finally realized what it was. 

Our wedding picture, I watched as Jungwoo started opening it. "No! don't open it!" I say frantically yelling. "open it, wifey is to embarrassed to see it," Xiaojun comes in with a towel on his head.  

He looked fine with his hair wet and his toned muscles, "don't stare too much," Doyoung whispers snapping me out of my thoughts. We watch as Jungwoo and Xiaojun open the package.  

Finally the picture was revealed, we were standing looking into each others eyes with our noses touching. "this is so embarrassing get rid of it," I say hiding myself  i hid myself in Chenle's shoulder. "Nope! I look so handsome, I'm going to hang it in where everyone can see," Xiaojun says drinking his beer. "Hey don't worry you look so beautiful i'd want to marry you too," Kun says earning a bop on the head from Xiaojun.  

"She married me so hands off," he says sitting down in between me and Chenle. When he was with his friends he seemed much more happy than at school or with his family. The doorbell rings, no one else knew where we lived only our parents. 

"Guys it's Juyeon!" Yangyang says after looking through the peep hole. "Hide the picture, Hendery put it in the office," Xiaojun says getting up. Why was he hiding it I thought he liked it. "Y/N you go too" he says pushing me to the office. 

"Why i live here too!" I retaliate but it was no use. Soon I was locked in the office while they let her in. It felt like hours had gone by but it was only 15 minutes. I hear someone walk to the office, it was Taeil. He unlocked the door, "she is annoying me and only wants to make out with him I can't believe he's saying no though, so show her a piece of your mind," he says walking away. 

I mean he did say he was going to let me break the rule once, I quickly take the picture and carry it out to the living room. 

"Honey where should I put this," I say showing it to everyone.




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