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Getting a new house as a wedding gift wasn't so bad, the only problem it was a wedding gift. 
"wifey, let's make some ground rules," Xiaojun says sitting down on the sofa. He already has a nickname when we haven't been married for even a day. 

"and that is?" I say sitting down on the other couch. "no more kissing, unless it's for publicity," I nod. "we don't go into each other's room," he says. "lastly we can't like each other," he says getting up to choose his room. 

Our plan was to divorce after 3 years before our parents expected more. 

"Hey, this is my room" he calls out from the hallway. I walk over to the room he chooses. Of course, he had to choose the master bedroom for himself. "Okay mine is the one at the end of the hall," I say walking away going into my room.  

Starting tomorrow our lives were going to be somewhat different, I slip off my dress and change into some PJs crawl into bed. But for some reason I couldn't fall asleep, mom, dad just what were they expecting from me. 

Getting married at this age wasn't a part of my plan, I wanted to enjoy the single life a little more. I look at my hand, the diamond ring was shinning under the moonlight. I couldn't think any further as I started to drift off to sleep. 

Next Morning

"wifeyy" I was woken up by the sound of Xiaojun knocking at my door. "what do you want!" I yell out to the door. "mom wants to have tea with you so get ready we are going to my parent's house," he says. 

I sigh and get up to change and get ready to go with him. 

I open the door and there he was standing in front of me, "wifey I lied to you," he says giggling. "you jerk," I say punching his shoulder. I walk down to the kitchen to make some food. 

Xiaojun pokes his head in, "so what we making," he says looking down at the ingredients I had laid down on the counter. "Not we,  it's me, make your own food," I say taking the eggs he was holding.  

He frowns, "but what if I help you," he says taking the eggs back from me. Well, it appeared that he wasn't going to make anything for himself. "fine" with that we start making breakfast together. 

For the first time, it felt like we were actually a married couple. 

We finally sit down at the table with breakfast in front of us, "wow my wife can cook," he says taking the first bite. "well I'm not a culinary student for nothing," I fire back taking a spoonful of my food. 

After breakfast, he stayed behind to clean up everything, when there's a knock on the door. Once I open it the living room is filled with many different voices and different conversations taking place.  

His friends had come over,  "Xiaojun your dad's mad, you ditched your work at the office," Johnny starts off. "relax I'm not taking the company yet, we are still college students," he fires back leaving the kitchen. 

Haechan sits next to me in the living room, "so y/n you are a student too right? so what do you study," he asks taking the book I was reading. I didn't have many friends so it made me happy that they were here. 

"I study culinary arts," he nods. "So can you make me a delicious dinner one day," he asks. I giggle at his smooth remark "sure," the rest of the day was spent with the boys playing video games and watching movies.

When finally one of the boys asked a question we hadn't thought about. "So um I know your guy's parents are big icons so will you have to pretend so be in love," Jeno asks. I and Xiaojun look at each other "yeah of course our parents even came up with a cute love story," he says making fun of the story they came up with. 

"We met at one of my dad's galas, while I was trying to bake a cake secretly and I spilled flour on him and then it blossomed into something," I say holding back giggles.  

The boys all start giggling at how unrealistic this was, me and Xiaojun I could already tell how different we both were. He liked to socialize and go against his parent's wishes.  While I was the quiet type who never liked going out. 

"We are going to a club later, wanna come," Doyoung says. A club? "Nah she doesn't do those things," Xiaojun says. "She's like a little couch potato whose happy just being at home," says patting my head like a child. 

In the end, I decided not to go since I didn't want to feel uncomfortable the entire night. 


The sound of heavy footsteps and tumbling woke me up. Did they finally decide to come back? I open the door to my room finding Yangyang and Kun struggling with a very drunk Xiaojun, "so he got wasted, he normally doesn't drink this much," Kun says as I open the door to his bedroom. 

"I'll take care of it from now," I say. I walk into the bedroom and put him into bed. 

As I get up to leave his hand pulls me down onto him, "Juhyeon why can't I be with you," he says staring into my eyes, his expression was sad. I agreed to this marriage but I didn't think he had someone he loved. 



thanks for reading ^^

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