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The room went silent, father looked mad that I interrupted. I need to come up with a good excuse to get him out of the room before they kicked me out. 

"I'M PREGNANT!" Xiaojun's face falls, he was in shock that it made me feel bad for him. "b-but i'm sure I used protection." he says in a flustered tone stealing glances at my father. I smile grabbing his hand and taking him out of the room. 

I quickly came to realize how bad of an idea this was, father was probably going to tell mother and then tell his parents. Once we are in the car he stares at me and then looks down at my stomach. 

"I lied. I'm not pregnant," I say giggling. He sighs in relief leaning back in his seat, "you scared me," he says chuckling. He strokes my cheek smiling at me, "someday but today," he says turning on the car. 

His sweetness almost made me forget the actual reason why I said that. "Oh yeah your parents are evil." he chuckles. "yeah babe I know they birthed me," he says focusing on the road. "NO! babe! listen they want to take the rights of my dad's company this marriage is to take everything from my family," he stops at the red light looking at me. 

"Seems like something they would do but why they must of have a motive, and I wouldn't trust everything your sister says," he says. He was right I couldn't just believe everything. "Look I'm not saying you're wrong but I just need to keep digging," he says pulling the car into a u-turn. 

"Where are we going," I ask him. "To see my parents, their reaction to your preganacie will be enough evidence," he says patting my stomach. 


We soon arrive at his parents house, my sister was coming out. "Xiao-" he nods as we walk in. First thing we were greeted by my mother-in-law, she smiled "I want to apologize for last time I'm new to this wife thing," she giggles holding my hand "Oh I understand, motherhood is harder," she says touching my belly. 

News sure does travel fast, Xiaojun scoffs "mother you don't seem pleased isn't a grandchild all you ever wanted?" he says questioning her. She looks up startled as if we had caught her off guard. "O-of course I just didn't expect it to be so soon," she says. "Well one thing led to another and our desires got the best of us," Xiaojun tells her. 

We walk into the house where Xiaojun leaves me alone with his mother while he went through his father's things. "How long since you found out?" she says. "3 days, I want to tell Xiaojun as fast as I could," she nods. "Xiaojun isn't ready to provide for his family," she says trying to discourage me. 

"Mother has always wanted a grandchild so I'm sure she will be pleased," I tell her. Pretty soon he comes back, "mother we must go now, we just wanted to share the news with you," she nods not saying a word walking us to the door.


"I thought you said they didn't like each other let alone want to start a family!" 


We finally get back home, Xiaojun stayed quiet the entire car ride home. "What did you find?" he looks at me holding my hand. "Your sister lied but told the truth," he says. "My dad doesn't know, my mom is the one doing this and the company won't go to me. It will go to Sooji," he says. 

Sooji? "why Sooji?" Xiaojun shrugs. "Does Sooji know who her mom is," Xiaojun asks me "From What I know from my mom, Sooji's mom is a maid but she never worked for my family? "She's older right?" I nod. "By 1 year,"  

"When I was little there was a maid, she was really close to my mom. She was expecting but one day she just vanished," he says. "It was before we moved from China," he says still trying to process everything.

I take Xiaojun's hand. "Let's not worry about it," I say leaning in to kiss him. Our kissing session was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. Xiaojun sighs but gets up to get it, "mother in law!" he says in a surprised tone, urging me to fix my clothes. 

I quickly fix them and walk towards the door, but I hide behind Xiaojun."Y/n..I'm sorry for last time. But happy memories await us now right!" she says walking in with a bag. What did I get myself into? 

"mom why are you here?" she looks at me surprised. "Well as your mother I should take care of you when Xiaojun goes to work," she's moving in? "Mom I can take care of myself I don't need you" I blurt out. "I know you are upset about what I did but that's no reason to upset your baby," she says trying to hug me.  

Xiaojun walks over behind me with an evil smile on his face, "how are you going to tell her?" he says. "Mom I appreciate this but I want to be independent," she looks at me and nods. "Well I guess I can't force you to be like me," she says putting the bag on the couch. 

After she was gone Xiaojun laughs at me.  "Pregnant was really the only way to get me out of that room," he says engulfing me in a hug as we laid down on the couch. "Whatever you should have seen your face you were so shocked," I giggle. He chuckles pacing soft kisses on my lips. "Even if you were, I'll still be happy," he continues on to say. "And I wouldn't mind having a mini you running around," he chuckles kissing more forehead.

But little did I know this lie was going to cause so many problems between us. 





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