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I sat down with Joshua at one of the tables as we both started decorating the wedding cake. "Y/N you know I meant what I said," Joshua says bopping my nose with frosting. I smile at him wiping it off when I feel someone tug on my hand. It was a girl, she was standing with Xiaojun and the rest of the boys. 

She smiles at me, "Hello my name is Hwang Juyeon," she introduces herself to me. She had fair skin, long black hair, and friends. I smile back at her, "My name is Kim Y/n" I reply. She sits down next to Joshua and takes the spoon from him helping to decorate the cake. "We can all help," Mark also says trying to put the frosting. 

I nod looking over at Xiaojun, his gaze was fixated on Juyeon. He was so entertained in watching what she was doing. Maybe he was just using me to get with her. Why did it make me feel so down and sad? "Hey y/n, we should get going" Joshua snaps me out of my thoughts. He grabs a hold of my hand and stands me up. 

"We will see you guys later," he says picking up the cake. Xiaojun walks over to me, "my mom wants to see you so I'll take you," he says whispering with barely anyone hearing him. I nodded walking over to Joshua and walking beside him. 

"See he's not over her," he says once we are alone. I didn't know how to respond to this, he chuckles. "But don't worry you have me right?" I chuckle at his sweet remark, "of course," I didn't know much about Juyeon but I did know she wasn't from a big rich family but she always worked hard to make her parents proud. 

After class

We thank our teachers and make our way outside, Juyeon was there waiting. "Oh Josh come let's go eat," she says tugging his arm. "Sorry y/n I have to go but i'll see you later right" Joshua says walking away from me.

As I turn around Xiaojun wraps his hand around my shoulder kissing my cheek. "yah what was that for," I say touching my cheek and put his hand off my shoulder. "I thought you needed me to break the rule," he says laughing. 

He was confusing me, earlier he wouldn't look at me and only stared at Juyeon but now he was hugging me and kissing me. "Hey Xiaojun, I don't want you confusing me," I say walking away from him.  

Did i like him? Why was I so upset?   

"Hey, look at me," i hear Xiaojun stop me. I look up at him, "What did you mean confuse you? Juyeon, yeah she's my first love but I can't be with her," he says. My heart shatters, he doesn't even know what he is doing to my heart. 

I didn't say anything but just walked away from him. When I got a phone call from some unexpected. 


Xiaojun's POV

I walked back to the boys, I felt confused, angry and sad at the same time. Why was she so mad at me what did I say. "Hey Xiao!" Juyeon who was walking with Joshua walked over to me. "Where's y/n?" she knew were were dating but she didn't know we were married. 

Suddenly I felt angry, why was she being so nice to her. When we dated she couldn't even stand the thought of other girls talking to me. "She went somewhere," I coldly respond. 

She walks closer to me, putting her hands on my chest leaning closer to me. "I mean what does she have that I don't," she whispers. I push her away. It was too good to be true that she had changed, but why was my mind still on her. 

"Hey what took you so long, where's y/n," Ten says looking for her. She didn't even come over. Where was she? "She got mad at me," I announce. The stare at me in shock. "What did you do?" Haechan asks me. "I don't know," I say feeling disappointed.  

"They way you are acting towards Juyeon versus her feelings for you," Jeno says what I couldn't figure out. Did she like me? But that one of our rules, we couldn't like each other.  

As we continue talking we finally hear her coming in, she smiles at everyone. "Sorry i'm late I had to go get the cake," she says struggling to hold it. Before I had the chance to stand up to help Renjun took it from her. While some of them were cutting it up to eat it.

She didn't seem upset anymore but she was sad. Why? "ignore what Xiaojun did he's always like that," Chenle says exposing me. She chuckles nodding at him, "no it's not that something else," she says. 

"care to tell us," Jeno asks her. She looks at all of us and nods, "I got a call earlier from my mom, she said that my older sister is coming," she tells us. I didn't know she had an older sister, but why does she look so sad about it. 

"She doesn't like me, she hates me up to the point where she's tried to kill me," she says. Me and the boys look at her in shock, there was more to her than being the perfect daughter. "She hates me because she's not my mom's child so they prefer me over her, but it's not my fault it's my dad he cheated first," she says now getting angry. 

I stand up and hug her, "I'll go with you, and make sure she doesn't do anything," I feel her hands wrap around my waist as she nods feeling more relieved.  



I had decided not to care about Xiaojun and Juyeon's relationship if I liked him I was going to give it my all to make him only look at me. 

We sat in the car together, he was going to drive me to his mom's house. 

On our way there we witnessed something that slightly broke both our hearts. Joshua and Juyeon making out.  But in reality it slightly made me happy. 




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