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It was finally our school break, meaning it was time to relax and take all the stress away. Xiaojun pulled me into his arms and kissed me, "morning," his sleepy voice says making me smile at his cuteness, 

I hug him back, "what are we doing today?" I ask him playing with his fingers, he holds my hand "what do you want to do?" he says kissing my forehead. Being in bed with him all day long would be enough, but he was the type to like to go out all the time. 

"I've never gone to the beach with friends," I suggest. He sits up with a frown, "I want to see you with a swimsuit but my friends seeing you? that's a no," he says laying down on top of me. 

I kiss his nose, "come on babe, I wanna have fun get to your friends better," I complain to him as he ignores me and closes his eyes. "I'll ask Joshua-" he opens to eyes and gets up. 

"Beach? yeah, it'll be fun," he says getting his phone to text the group chat he and his friends have. I get up after him to get ready to go to the beach, "Y/N just don't wear a revealing one," he says poking his head into my closet. 

As I changed I couldn't help but think about Sooji and why she would meet with his mom. Father would never sleep with his partner's wife. I shook the thoughts out I shouldn't worry since we were going to have some fun today. 

I came out of the room, Xiaojun walked up to me looking down at my legs, "Your shorts are too short," he says. "Oh well," you respond taking the towels he was holding. "babee!" he trails after you back hugging me 

I slipped out of his grip and opened the door for his friends, "Yo! y/n ready to have some fun!" Taeil says high fiving me. I happily nod taking the bags of towels and other necessities to the car.  

As I put everything in the car Kun secretly walks up to me, "y/n are you really pregnant?" he asks. How did they know? "who told you?" I ask him. "Someone from your college who works as an intern for your company said you announced it, so it's true," he says. 

I shake my head, "No I made it up, his mom is plotting something so I just said that to delay everything," I explain to him. From his blank expression, I wasn't sure if he believed me or not. Xiaojun walks over to us and lightly pushes Kun away, "too close there buddy," he says. "I'll believe you for now," he says walking away.  

Everyone heads into their cars with Sungchan and Shotaro riding with us. "noona are you pregnant?" Sungchan asks. "No! it was to get my parents off my back," I reply. 

They both nod, "but everyone's saying that the baby isn't Xiaojun's" Shotaro says. Perhaps these rumors were started by Juyeon and Joshua to separate us. "Well they're all talk," he replies focusing on the road.  

We continue the ride in silence, until Shotaro breaks it telling us to look at the beautiful view of the beach. 

The weather was beautiful as well, so it was the perfect day to go to the beach. As we finish parking everyone runs into the sun. As I get out of the car Xiaojun pulls me into his arms kissing me repeatedly, "Just don't get too close to them," he says letting me go so he can go help Taeyong with the tables. 

I follow Jaehyun to our spot, there were already so many people laying on the sand or playing in the ocean. "Guess Xiaojun isn't going to let you go into the water," he says chuckling. "Who says i'm going to listen to him," I reply.  

Soon everyone is setting up the grill with the music going. "Y/N can you season this for us?" Taeyong calls me over to offer my cooking experience. I stand next to him and slice up the meat and chicken while adding all the seasonings. 

"wah y/n this is going to taste amazing!" Lucas says giving me the thumbs up. I felt proud that everyone was complementing my skills. 


"Come let's have some fun!" Jaemin pulls me to the shore after we had finished eating. I happily nod following him, Jisung and Mark. Pretty soon I felt Xiaojun hold my wrist pretty tight, "babe come on it's cold," he whispers. I smile at him cupping his face, "not if you go with me," I say taking his hand and dragging him to the water.

"Since when did our Xiaojun go so soft and complied with their wishes," Yuta starts teasing him. The water was warm against my skin, but it was also too strong. I tripped from one of the waves and crashed onto Xiaojun as we both fell into the water.  

We both giggled as we helped each other get up, his toned muscles could be seen through his shirt, and the way his wet hair moved through the wind. I hadn't realized I had been staring at him until he flicked my forehead gently.

 "Babe, I know I look good but you have to wait," he says making fun of me as he picked me up bridal style to carry me back to the sand. As we walked back we saw two familiar faces, Juyeon and Joshua. 

I looked at Xiaojun now had a serious look on his face, "Oh! Y/N! hi," Juyeon runs up to us. She stopped and looked at Xiaojun he was glaring at her and Joshua. "I didn't come to be nice," Juyeon starts off. 

Her expression was darker this time, "first how dare you kiss my boyfriend," she says walking closer to me. "the girlies are fighting," Mark whispers making the boys chuckle. She had some nerve getting mad at me for kissing Joshua. 

"Well funny you should ask but why did you kiss my boyfriend?" I walk closer to her. "husband," I hear Xiaojun correct me. Juyeon glares at me but I could tell she was flustered before we escalated any further both Joshua and Xiaojun pulled us away.  


"Hurry they won't distract them for long," 




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