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As I walked into my room there were a few dresses for me to wear, all of them were pretty however the light pink one really caught my eye. My daughter these are my gifts wear them~mom

I do my makeup and everything, I stare at myself in the mirror admiring how I looked. When my phone buzzed. Message from Joshua hey just in case you were feeling bad about our date, I can't make it either gotta go to a party~

He called our meeting. a date, it made me bolt in happiness. I've liked him for a while now but never wanted to take it to the next step. His family was rich too but I never imagined us being more than friends and now that I was married it was almost impossible. 

"Hey we need to go, gonna be late," Xiaojun pokes his head in. As I get up he doesn't take his eyes off me it's like he was in a trance. "Lead the way," I tell him. He shakes his head and nods. "You do you know we need to act like we like each other," he says slipping my ring onto my finger. 

After the wedding, we had taken our wedding rings off and put them in a safe place. 

The party was already buzzing with people by the time we arrived, his dad had announced a new business plan so many people came to see what it was or they came to see what competition they were going to deal with. 

As we get out of the car couples surround us with and cameras start going off. Guess the word that we got married got out to the public. The cameras were overwhelming, I felt my heart beating faster by the minute. 

I wasn't sure if I should smile or look down, I felt Xiaojun's arm slide around my waist as he holds me tightly. He too was flustered by the sudden appearance of the cameras, as we get inside his father greets us, "sorry news got out today and people have a lot to say," he says feeling apolagetic. 

I smile at him, "don't worry father-in-law we know," I say understanding the situation. We finally find our seats, good thing it was only us at the table for now. "Hey you can let go now," I say looking down at my hand that he was holding so tightly. 

He quickly lets go looking away. Was he embarrassed? He was drinking champagne. He was quieter than usual, normally he would be teasing me and making jokes.

"Xiao-" he took my hand before I had the chance to speak. "So what is my lovely wife?" He whispers into my ear signaling with his eyes my parents who were looking at us.

"Is something wrong you look on edge?" I expressed my concern. He chuckles "didn't think you were going to worry about me" he says teasing me. "Our parents are watching us like hawks," he says directing me to where our parents were.

It was true they were acting like they didn't see us. They wanted us to be the perfect pair.

Our parents soon come and approach us. Xiaojun's face fades as he looks away from his dad with his eyes locked onto mine. 

"Darling, they are starting the dance so why don't you ask Xiaojun to dance with you?" Our moms tell me. Mom knew I couldn't dance so why was she forcing  me to dance now. If she wanted me to dance she should of told me to take lessons.

Xiaojun noticed my distressed reaction. He stood up holding my hand "y/n is getting pretty bored so I'm taking her on a walk in the garden" he says as we walk away from them.

We are now walking in the garden in silence. "Hey thanks" I say looking up at him. He smiles "a girl like you wouldn't know how to dance and I didn't want to be embarrassed" he says making fun of me again.

But I could tell he did this for me. As we turn the corner I see the one person i didn't want knowing about this.

"Y/n? Wow you look so pretty!" Joshua says. He was also dressed in a tuxedo. He turns to look at Xiaojun, " I thought you said you didn't know each other well as your parents are just partners" Joshua questions me. Xiaojun chuckles loudly holding my hand with our fingers entangled. He holds it up for him to see my wedding ring.
There goes my shot with Joshua, "as you can see we know each other very well" he says with a dark expression on his face. Joshua looked very hurt but still managed to smile at me.

"I take it Juyeon knows?" He hits Xiaojun right where it hurts. Xiaojun goes silent, "ah so you haven't told her, so why tell me when the girl you like doesn't even know" Joshua says. He was acting different, this wasn't the Joshua I knew. Xiaojun's grip tightens as he hears Joshua's next words. "Just because you are married doesn't mean I can take her from you" he says patting Xiaojun's shoulder and walks away from us.

How did Joshua know Juyeon? He also knew Xiaojun and it seemed like he knew him very well.

I didn't want to ask about what just happened or why he did what he did. We just continued walking like if nothing had happened. "I bet what he said made you real happy huh," He breaks our silence.

I didn't know what to say, yeah it made me happy but it also made me really uncomfortable. Maybe I wasn't so sure about how I felt anymore. "No" I tell him. "It made me pretty uncomfortable" I confess how this made me feel. Although I didn't see his face but I think that made him slightly happy.

Perhaps after tonight we got to know each other a little bit better.

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