There's something I want to ask you...

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Hey guys, I Know I haven't posted in a long time and that's due to my laptop being a complete and utter killjoy and deciding it doesn't want to even load up anymore. I am currently awaiting a new one which should be here within the next 2 weeks... Until then its slow updates and not as creative writing as I can do but it'll have to do. Thankyou for being patient, I appreciate that so much! // Also, HAVE YOU SEEN OLLIE!? SHE'S BLOODY ADORABLE! OH GOD HANNAH IS GOING TO BE SUCH A GOOD DADDY! THE HOLY TRINITY NOW HAS A HOLY TRINITY OF DOGS. BEANZ, GOOSE AND OLLIE! Okay, you can tell I'm excited. Anyway, have a wonderful day and I hope you all enjoy.

//side note- one of you's mentioned it's hard to read in italics so I'll leave it in standard, let me know what you's think as honest feedback is better than none!

[Hannah's POV]

After around 40 minutes of being parked up against the grass verge, facing the field Grace and I climbed into the front seats. It was silent and my hair is so messy, Grace's is still in her bun. Letting out a loud sigh as I throw myself back into the driver's seat, I feel Grace look over at me but I don't move my head, just my eyes to look back at her. She smiles at me and rubs her neck where my hand marks still remain, faint yet you can still notice them, I bite my lip and pull a face of guilt while mumbling sorry to her, she just shrugs back and smiles playfully.


We've now decided to head home. When we say home it always means my place as it's became our humble abode and Goose is there anyway, she is 90% of the time as I don't feel as alone when she's there with me. Usually when Grace is out working or failing that, sleeping. I'm thinking about asking Grace something, I mean we have been seeing each other for a while now like nearly a year and I just want to be with her all of the time, it's just finding the right time and place to say and do it. I don't know if it's too soon or not, what if I fuck up and she says no? What if I don't ask and regret it for the rest of my life? So many questions going through my head as we drive home, I'm better off leaving it for the time being, that way I have time to think about it and time it right, right?

7 Grace Helbig does Taylor Swift songs later and we're home. Collecting the post out of the front porch while pressing the central locking button to shut down the car, Grace opens the door with the spare key I gave her. Goose is immediately jumping up me, trying to lick my face as I talk to her in a rather high pitched yet playful tone. Grace just stands there with her hands on her hips and frowns down to Goose. "Hey girl, I thought you'd love Mummy Grace more... clearly not." She says while taking the post out of my left hand and laughing, leaving me to be with Goose in the hallway while she trails off into the front room. I stop for a second to process what she had just said, "Mummy Grace..." I whisper to myself rather puzzled. "D-Does that make me Mummy Hannah? Like Mummy two?" I say slightly louder than a whisper. Grace throws her head back so it is passed the living room door, smiling at me and looking down to my level as I'm at Gooses. "Yes, that does make you 'Mummy two'" she says mimicking me.

It's silent for a short moment as my face is now down looking to the floor, still fussing Goose. "Han?" Grace asks in a concerned voice, "Are you okay?" she follows on with.

"I... just never expected you to say that... I just thought..." she touches my shoulder and then crouches to my level, "Hannah Hart, you big gay. Are you crying?" she says sarcastically just before kissing my cheek lightly. "I've just never been called a mum before, I'm sorry?" I say slightly embarrassed.

"Han, don't be sorry baby that's more than okay, you have the right to be emotional. Though, I've always seen you as Gooses other mummy, you're great with her and she's as much as yours as she is mine, silly." Grace has both of my hands now and we're still crouching. I look up to face her and without hesitating I kiss her passionately, with enough force to push her back onto the floor, I'm now slightly on top of her and she has her hand cupping the side of my face, proceeding to keep kissing me. Goose has now finished drinking water and I can hear her steaming over to us, before we know it she has slobbered us both with not only water but saliva. "Mm, thanks Goose we appreciate that." Grace says in that sarcastic tone while trying to wipe it off. I just get up trying not to laugh and then helping Grace up. Grace has now gone back into the front room to finish off editing this week's once over Wednesday video and I think I'm going for a lie down. Grabbing my Mac off the side in the kitchen, going into Grace to kiss her on the forehead while she closes her eyes and does that adorable smile at me, I tell her that I'm going upstairs to also edit and lay down for a while. She just nods and makes a slight noise, too distracted to probably even acknowledge what I have just said.


I'm upstairs just editing this week's MDK and I can hear footsteps, I'm not doing anything shady but I feel slightly paranoid and I don't really know why, I'm waiting for Grace to come into the room as I'm lay quietly on the bed. I wait a moment and realize the footsteps have stopped, my heart beat become more rapid and then the door opens slightly, I see a wet snout and hear loud sniffling. Its Goose, she jumps on the bed and attacks me with kisses and wet sneezes until she lays next to me and waits for the fusses to begin.

After I've chilled out again, I'm nearly done editing and I'm so tired. I really haven't done anything tiring today other than fight with Mamrie, ergh why did I even think about that again, fucking bitch. And well, yeah what happened with Grace earlier but anyway let's not get into that one.

I close down the MacBook and just lay with Goose for a while before drifting off into a state of dreaming.

[Graces POV]

I've been downstairs for a while now, around 3 hours and I've noticed even Goose has even deserted me for Hannah. I shut the MacBook down and plug it into the power source, shutting the living room door behind me and I climb the stairs. Taking my shoes off at the top and carrying them into Hannah's bedroom... I guess it's 'ours' right? Anyway, I enter the room and notice the lamp is still on, lighting it up to display where my two beautiful girls are lay on the king sized bed. Goose picks her head up and then notices it's me, snuggling herself back down into Hannah's forearm causing Hannah to move slightly and flicker her eyes open. She looks startled, staring at me as she asks "What's the time Gracie?" A shiver runs through my body as she says my name, it always happens and always will. I reply slightly whispering to her "Its 7:43 Han?" sitting up while rubbing her eyes she then later nods at me.

I sit on the bed next to her and she puts her arm around me, I feel safe when she does this. I put my head into the crook of her neck and she proceeds to kiss my forehead, putting my arm around her middle, locking fingers with her free hand. I hold her tight as she holds me back. Various thoughts are going through my head at this point and I don't really know how to react with them. 'My god, I do really love her. Like a lot. No, more than a lot.' 'I need to tell her how much I love her, what about the question Grace... when are you asking that one?' I can't help but not think about the rest of my life with Hannah until her voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Gracie... there's something I want to ask you..."

I start to feel sick. 

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