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Hey guys, I hope you've all had an amazing Christmas! Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger. I also saw a few of you comment, yet my app on my phone wouldn't let me reply to you until yesterday so I thought I'd let you suffer for a few more days;). Very sorry, though you are lucky those of you that wanted the next parts as I wasn't going to post this until the new year. Here you go, enjoy! -Lace xo

[Hannah's POV]

Everything is happening so fast, once we got into that bedroom it was like madness. The two girls aren't bothering with each other, they're both on me, all their attention aimed at me, working at every inch of my body. I'm so nervous its like the nervousness when it's just me and Grace, it's a feeling of like excitement yet not quite excitement, if you know what I mean? Grace has pretty much undressed me and herself while Mamrie looks like she needs some encouragement, sort of pushing Grace away for a moment, I nearer closer to Mames and she looks like she wants me to. I pull her t-shirt over her head and begin to kiss her neck yet Grace does't seem to have a problem with that as she's sitting back and watching. Kissing down Mamrie's body, getting to her belly button and biting her hip, she lets out a little moan and allows me to remove her leggings.

Gripping the bed sheets as I kiss up her thighs and back to the top of her torso, Grace is still concentrated on us as I glance over to her I begin to speak "Gracie, come here?" I gesture over using my hand.

"No, I'm quite alright just watching right now baby." She replies from the corner of the bed just before biting her lip. Mamrie is lent on her elbows, half lay back half sat up, both of us in our underwear as I straddle her, she's got that smile on her face that means something good is going to happen. Biting her lip and clawing my back she lets out a little giggle to then look over at Grace who goes on to give her a cheeky wink and I grown even more nervous than I was previously. I feel there's a team up going to happen sometime soon.

As I'm spun around to then notice that I'm now under Mames and shes on the top, she whispers to me "I've heard you're known to be a pillow queen." I just look at her with wide eyes as she laughs and says "Hmm, remember Sarah?" and smirks. Covering my face with my forearm, elbow in the air as she grabs it and pulls it down to the bed, I feel something hit the mattress next to me, a cold object against my wrist which makes me jump a little. "This shit is so hot" I breathe out as Mamrie handcuffs me to the bed. Grace must have thrown them to her while Mamrie was on top of me.

"We figured that we'd do something a little different, didn't we Mames?" I hear Grace say from a distance with a broad smile on her face. "We?" I say shakily. "Yes, we." Mamrie says just before proceeding to kiss me, its so passionate like she's been waiting forever to do this, slipping her tongue into my mouth slightly as I take it, she's so gentle yet I can feel that she means it. They both know I have a tongue fetish so this is being used to an advantage. (Yes, a lesbian with a tongue fetish, how ironic. Seriously it's just something about them that drives me, Hannah Hart crazy.) Grace is still at the foot of the bed watching, I kind of miss her touch but I don't really want to complain as I'm currently in a bed with two very beautiful women. Mamrie's hands are running down the sides of my body, starting at the top of my torso down to the sides of my stomach and stopping at the tops of my thighs, flicking at the waist band of my underwear before peeling them down my legs, I hear Grace let out a subtle moan. Mamrie looks over to Grace who then goes on to nod while licking her teeth with her tongue seductively, sending a wave of heat through my body causing me to be more aroused than I was before, if that's possible.

As my feet are still free and not cuffed down unlike my hands I lift one leg placing my foot flat against the bed so my leg is arched and Mamrie smiles at me letting out a "Good girl" before plunging a finger or two inside of me. Jolting me forward I can see Grace fixated on Mamrie and I can't help get a little jealous, I look over to her to try and get her attention but I'm soon also fixed on Mamrie while she's inside of me. Moving her digits in and out of me feels like bliss, its like she's done this before or something. Holding on to the chain of the handcuffs as I'm moving up and down onto her hand, moaning fiercely into her neck as she arched over my body with her face buried in the pillow next to me. I would never in a million years think that this would happen, ever. Grace now has her eyes closed but shes biting her lip, listening to the strong moans from both Mamrie and I, closing my eyes to enjoy what is happening I feel Mames move her head to whisper in my ear "I want you to bite me".

My eyes dart open and I look at her for reassurance, she nods at me and she slides her body against mine so her chest is near my face, leaning forward to bite near her collar bones. She lets out a loud moan and then removes her fingers from inside me, creeping down my body and turning to Grace, stroking up her thigh as I'm watching her, Gracie opens her eyes and smirks at Mamrie, she grabs her hand and sucks her fingers, Mamrie lets out a slight noise of excitement and closes her eyes. I'm lay here covered in goosebumps and claw marks watching the two gorgeous women before me.

Sharply Mamrie turns her attention back to me and I don't have any objections, my leg still arched before Mames moves it to her suited position. Grabbing the top of the bed with one hand and my other hand with a clenched fist as she begins to satisfy me with her tongue. Circling, stroking and slightly nibbling I can't help but let out the loudest moans I have ever encountered in my life. They grow louder along with Graces, I lift my head to see what she is moaning at, looking to see where her other hand is as the left one is grabbing a fist full of Mamrie's hair. Her right hand is located in her own underwear, legs carefully parted and her hips rocking, I'm watching her as her hand moves slowly, her facial expressions change dramatically and her eyes are wide open now to stare at me. I bite my lip and she begins to arch forward, her stomach muscles tighten along with mine and her eyes slightly roll back, allowing loud moans to fill the room, Grace is in ecstasy and I'm about to be in the same state, as she lets go of Mamrie's hair, Mame's lets out a tiny moan against me which tips me over the edge. Picking her head up and wiping her mouth as she goes over to kiss Grace, all three of us panting as the air gets thicker. Mamrie walks over to the window to crack it a bit, walking back over to the bed while leaving a trail of underwear, I break the silence and request "Can somebody get me out of these handcuffs because I think it's Helbig's turn".

Hartbig, I hope so.Where stories live. Discover now