The Morning.

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[Hannah's POV]

The sun beaming through the window as the curtains are never closed, looking over to my right as I notice long tanned legs and a naked body. I can't help but smile to myself as I realize what last night was, biting my lip and placing my hands over my eyes. After a moment of feeling proud, happy and slightly nervous I come to realize who else was here last night. "Shit, Mamrie!" I whisper slightly too loudly to myself. I feel Grace's warm body nearer closer to me as she adjusts herself still lightly asleep. I get up and grab some clean underwear out of the draws next to my bed, find my shirt on the floor and climb into it. The cold floor gives me a shock as I start to walk down the stairs the living room door is open and I can see Mamrie asleep on the sofa, this kind of relieves me as maybe shes been asleep all night? Now reaching the bottom of the stairs I can smell alcohol. "Oh, Mames... My good wine as well!" I'm thinking to myself as I see 2 empty bottles of it and an empty bottle of sambuca near the edge of the sofa. Picking them up, I quietly tidy around Mamrie trying not to wake her. Aspirin and water is what she'll need, as I gather these and place them on the table in front of her she awakens  and I jump slightly. 

"Harto! You're a good one!" She says rather loudly over her headache and hangover as she reaches out for the tablets and water set out in front of her. I just smile back and nod in recognition. Standing up to go to the kitchen I remember I didn't put anything but underwear on my bottom half and I can feel Mamrie starring at my legs, closing and clenching my eyes as I'm waiting for her to say something. I hear her let out a loud sigh and she reaches out for my hand. "I love you, you beautiful idiot." before I can respond she carries on "I asked you about this last night babe? I understand you, you know that. We got through this last time. I promise I'm always here, okay?" I look down past my scarred legs and to my feet. "okay." I say as she strokes my hand. 

"Lets get some breakfast then you moron, I'm starving over here!" She says as she smiles at me, heading to the kitchen while I follow her in. "Oh, wait. Where's Grace?" she asks while frowning at me. My heart drops and as I go to open my mouth to make an excuse I see Mamrie smile as a sweet, sleepy voice calls out "I'm here Mames." Standing in front of me with my blue shorts and my white vest top on, smiling and rubbing her eyes. "Hope you don't mind Han but I borrowed these?" "No, that's more than okay Grace" I say slightly blushing. Winking back at me while Mamrie looks slightly confused. "Anyway losers, breakfast?" I suggest to break the silence. 

6 eggs, 12 chicken sausages and 9 cups of coffee later Me, Mames and Grace are all back in my living room laughing like old times, I have missed this more than I can say. "Did you guys share a bed or something last night then or what because I can't remember you coming back down here Grace?" Mamrie questions us both as we are sat next to each other, looking over at Grace to see what either of us were going to say, I just shut up and smile at Mamrie when I hear Grace explain what had happened. "Oh, Hannah come up stairs and we were just chatting for a while until we realized how late it was, she just suggested we stayed over and figured you were already asleep, so yeah guess we just fell asleep after that?" Grace smiles at me and slightly bites her lip after finishing her sentence and Mamrie seems to buy it, getting up to go to the kitchen leaving me and Grace sat on the sofa next to each other, alone. 

"Just grabbing some water to help this hangover" Mames calls out. 

"Oi, have you been drinking without us again Mametown!?" Grace says slightly pissy but you can tell she's only joking. 

"Oh, yeah she's been helping herself to my alcohol again, haven't you Mames!" I shout towards the kitchen, when I hear a cheeky cackle in response.

Grace turns to face me, legs crossed and grabbing the side of my face. Leaning in to kiss me real quick. Edging closer to her, I bite her bottom lip and she slightly squeals. Digging her nails into the back of my neck until she realizes it's going to leave a mark and Mamrie will see it. She whispers a little "sorry" to me as she pulls away and I tickle her thigh sending a swarm of goosebumps over her body. 

Mamrie re-enters into the room and Grace is still facing me. 

[Mamrie's POV}

I've been sat downstairs with Han and Grace for a few hours now and they're acting so weird around each other? Or maybe it's me they're acting weird around? I feel slightly paranoid to be honest and I don't even know why, these two are my best friends but I have to admit I'm feeling slightly uncomfortable. Did something happen or what? I really cannot remember, Mames this is why you shouldn't drink so much woman! I just sit quietly to myself while Grace is telling stories about the other day when we went to go see Connor, Troye and Jenna. I really miss Beanz right now and I bet Grace has forgotten that she promised Goose she wouldn't be long? "Um, sorry to be a killjoy but Grace didn't you tell Goose you wouldn't be long? And I sort of left Beanz at my mums so I need to pick him up soon-ish?"  I break into Graces story and Hannah looks confused. "Oh, gosh! Yeah I totally lost track and sure, we'll leave in a minute. Sorry to leave you so sudden Han but Mames is right." She smiles over to Hannah as I'm finding my shoes. "No, don't worry about it girls! I need to shower and tidy around anyway, Come round or we'll do something later yeah?" She asks while watching Grace collecting her things. "Sure, I'm up for an evening with my girls! Hey, how about you Helbig?" I throw over to Grace as she's finished finding her items. "Oh, yeah as long as Hannah don't mind us coming round or going out for a drink. I don't know. You comfortable with that Han?" Grace worryingly asks while biting her bottom lip. "Grace, of course I want to spend time with my two favourite people ever! I tell you what, If we agree to come here if we can't find anywhere decent to go out, bring Beanz and Goose and we'll have a night in, ay?" She asks as me and Grace approach the front door. "Sure thing, Harto" I say while giving Hannah a kiss on the cheek and a quick hug. "Smell ya later!" Grace calls from the car, I can see Hannah looks a little pissed off, that Grace didn't really say bye properly but I just shrug it off and get into the car. 

*Driving home from Hannah's*

"What's going on then Smellbig? and don't say nothing, you and Hannah are being real shady this morning?" I glance over at Grace trying not to take my eyes off of the road. "What, we're just being ourselves Mames? Sure that hangover isn't playing tricks on your mind girl?" Grace laughs as she lightly taps my upper arm. "Hmm." I let out a slight noise in response to Grace's answer. We'll see how they act later, I think to myself. Maybe a little drink will let out a few truth bombs when it comes to the bloody Mary's. 

We drive for around another 6 or so minutes until we arrive at Graces, "Gonna grab my bag and a pair of  socks from upstairs Grace, then I'll be out your hair for a few hours babe." I say as we arrive at the front door. Shortly following in to the house behind Grace, Goose comes steaming over to greet her with sloppy kisses and jumps of excitement. "I've missed you too baby!" I can hear Grace saying to Goose in between kisses as I gathering my things, "I'm sorry I left you all night but mummy had important things to do!" I hear her follow on with. As I look over to the side I grab the baby monitor remembering that it records what has been passed through it over the last week. Its only been turned on for around 14 or so hours? Maybe i'll see whats on it? Placing it into my bag I zip it up and put on the socks, slipping my shoes back on and grabbing my car keys. Trailing down the stairs with a splitting headache I look over at Grace "Alright then Helbig, I'm going to the mothers to get Beanz, I'll see you shortly. Text me and I'll pick you up or something?" She nods and hugs me tightly. Leaving Graces and getting back into the car to take a short drive to my mums alone to get my baby Beanz. 

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