The monitor.

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Hey Guys! Well I’m not exactly new to this site/app but I’m new to writing and posting on here. So what I’ve done is wrote out the whole fic, I’m gonna post it in slight parts but I’m not writing a massive one!, I’m gonna see how this goes. I apologise in advance for anything you’re not happy with or if this is awful, as it is my first attempt and probably last. Enjoy!

 –Lace xo

[Graces POV]

“I can’t hear anything Mames; I’m getting really worried now. Are you sure you turned it on?” She says while tapping the baby monitor.

Mamrie and grace had been worried about Hannah for a while now and decided to not exactly spy on her or creep on her but to just kind of check on her.

“Oh, Grace. I think I didn’t turn it on when I put it under Hannah’s bed...” Mamrie says as she looks worried for Graces response.

“Oh my god Mames, you had one fucking job girl. Guess that means were gonna have to go over, you distract Hannah and I’ll go switch it on!”

“We can’t just turn up at Hannah’s place at 12:37am, make a quick random conversation up and then suddenly disappear, Grace that’s going to look so suspicious?”

“No, c’mon we’ll just wing it.”

Mamrie sighs and follows grace, picking up the other monitor while petting Goose on the head.

“Back soon baby, I won’t be long. I promise!” Grace says while Goose gives her a huge slobbery kiss on her chin and upper neck.


*Around 10 minutes later after travelling to Hannah’s house in Mamrie’s car*

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