The mission.

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[Hannah’s POV]


“I’m so stupid, why have I done this to myself again? Shutting out my best friends and the rest of the world isn’t going to solve anything Hannah! You haven’t uploaded a video on either channel in around 2 weeks and people are getting worried. I miss Mamrie, Grace and Goose so much! I need to get myself together. I guess that’s easier said than done though, right?” These thoughts circle in Hannah’s head continuously until she sees what seem to be headlights appearing near the entrance of her house.

“Who could that be? Its 12:45am.” Hannah whispers to herself, kind of happy that somebody wants to interact with her no matter what the time was.


Seeing Mamrie get out of the car and then the passenger door open full stretch, she knew it would be Grace as she always did this no matter who’s car she was in, she would have to open the door at its full extent, to get them beautiful long legs out and carefully glide herself out of the vehicle.

And there she was, looking flawless as ever. I start to panic as they approach the door and I’m barely clothed due to not leaving the house unless it was a straight up emergency, running to the bathroom to pull on my sweats and put a bra on at the least. As I’m sat on the top step of the staircase I can see the two female’s shadows in my door way and hear slight conversation that is far too loud to be whispers.


“She’s probably not even awake, Grace.” I hear Mamrie say as I see Graces hand rise to ring the door bell.

“Well, we’ll find out now wont we Mames” Graces replies as I can hear the smile on her face as she speaks so gracefully.


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