Earn it

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[Hannah's POV]

"Helbig's turn? I don't think so. We're not done are we, Gracie?" Mamrie says while throwing her head back to see Grace's face. "Na a" Grace confirming Mamrie's statement. "If you really want out of them cuffs, you're going to need to earn it." I hear Grace say with a slight evil tone. Mamrie looks me dead in the eyes as shes crawling backwards to the end of the bed, meeting Grace at the bottom as the both of them stare at me. "We want you to watch, Hannah baby." Grace says in an innocent voice, "Any objections?" Mamrie coo's.

I don't say anything or even move, still staring at them both I swallow hard. Mamrie glances over to Grace and then back to me again, "Thought not." as she grabs the side of Graces face and begins to forcefully kiss her, Grace seems to be enjoying herself as shes letting out unusual noises, creeping her hand down Mamrie's naked body, grabbing her thigh as she reaches past her hips, slight pinches are placed upon her skin and Mames lets out a subtle moan as Grace is doing this.

I kind of feel awkward watching this right now, I'm trying not focusing on one person but they seem to be doing that job just fine. "Hannah, are you getting jealous you little fuck?" just one little thought that arrives into my head as I'm drifting away from what's happening in front of me. A little yelp pulls me back from the previous dazed state I was in as I can see Grace and Mames in there sexual state, pleasuring each other as Grace looks over at me rather concerned, I give her the "Are you okay?" look and she nods before tilting her head back and moaning hard. Grace's arm is picking up the pace as her and Mames are now in a synced rhythm, both of them aggressively moaning into the open air as I'm so aroused by this, "Fuck." I say too loudly as their eyes glare over to me, Grace biting her lip and awkwardly smiling Mamrie brushes her fingers between my open legs, causing me to shudder.

I can feel the unsteadiness of Mamries body on the bed as her hands are shaking and she's becoming rather loud, grabbing just above my ankle really tightly and digging in her nails I hear Grace giggle as I come to the realization of whats about to happen I giggle too, like little girls me and Grace look over at each other and then to Mamrie, all attention is on her. Grace's fingers moving like I've never seen before, Mamrie is now fully gripped onto my leg, clawing at me, allowing small yet quiet moans escape from my mouth. She's so close to finsihing being helped by Grace curling her fingers inside of her and plunging deeper, Mames loses it and lays her body across my legs, Gracie smiling and crawling up the bed towards me nearing my face. All I can hear is the hot, heavy panting of Mamrie below me, Grace has came up to lay next to me on her side, giving her the puppy eyed look as a whine to her "Gracie, baby let me out of these, pleaseee."


I feel Mamrie pick her head up and throw a look this way, I don't take my eyes off of Grace though, not even for a split second. "Not yet Han." She says after kissing my mouth. Proceeding to straddle my chest she slides herself forward towards my neck and whispers "There's just one more thing I want you to do." As she looks down at me and grabs her own thigh. "With pleasure, darling." I reply as she moves her self even further up my body and onto my face. Starting off slowly and entering my tongue into her, she lets out a tiny squeak, I start to pick up the pace with the minor moans of Mamrie in the background, I can't see what she's doing or where she's looking and I'm sure not stopping this to look right now. The room isn't loud from what I can tell yet it isn't in complete silence, Grace has her head thrown back and her hands glued to the headboard of the bed, moving her hips as she's riding my face. Harsh moans quiver through her body as I let them out into her, hers are muffled as I believe Mamrie has come to join us, kissing Grace while she still remains on top of me.

A slight movement from Grace seems to be happening as one of her hands isn't holding the headboard any longer, I can feel the cold metal against my wrist being released as she's undoing the cuffs, the right one immediately gets thrown down and neared to Mamrie as the back of my hand is flat against the bed and my palm is facing upwards, Mames brushes my hand and then slightly taps it. Darting two fingers upright, hinting at her. I feel a shuffling next to me on the bed and then a warm sensation on my hand, Mamrie's hips are rocking and shes now grabbing my forearm, moans of pleasure are piercing the air as both girls are allowing me to. My left hand has now been released also, Grace has laced her fingers with mine and is now holding onto me tight. I have more movement with my head now my arms aren't restricting it I can now move my face and tongue. Stroking my tongue violently against Grace's core I can feel her heat in my mouth and her wetness near my chin, as she's letting out loud moans her and Mamrie are now in chorus with each other. Raising another finger from against the bed I slowly slip it into Mames next to the other two, letting out louder moans than there was previously, Grace is riding my face, close to cumming. Moving my fingers and my tongue at the same pace to satisfy them both equally, Mamrie pauses and grabs my forearm harsh causing me to moan against Grace vibrating her. Both women tense and release at the same time, the warm liquid of Grace in my mouth and Mamrie's in the palm of my hand. Mamrie is now lay flat on her back facing the ceiling and breathing rather heavily while Grace has just slid down my naked body and is currently lay on top of me. She kisses my chest a couple times before breathing out "Mames, where did you learn that?" with a tiny smirk on her face. "Hm, just experience. I guess." She chuckles.

I shoot up on to my elbows, nearly sending Grace flying. "What you mean, you've done this before?" Staring off into the darkness. "Why so surprised Harto?" she says before grabbing the duvet beneath her and climbing underneath it.

Hartbig, I hope so.Where stories live. Discover now