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Hiya guys, I’m back again. Today’s been pretty shitty but it’s nearly over so it’s going to be okay.

Hope you all have enjoyed today and not had day like mine. Anyways, I’m thinking off ending this fic within the next 2 or 3 parts and then I’m going to be starting a new one with a slight help with a few of my followers on Tumblr {  if you’d like input message me on there.} A little spoiler to what it’s going to be about will be released soon, in the meantime just enjoy this! –Lace xo 

[Hannah’s POV]

 Me and Grace Fell asleep pretty early last night we must have been so tired, that tired that we fell asleep in our clothes from that day. Her head is leaning on my chest as I’m lay on my back, Goose is at my feet as I can feel her stomach moving in and out as she breathes. I can hear snoring, I can’t really tell if it’s Goose or Grace but either way it’s not lady like.

 I slide out from underneath Grace and leave her peacefully sleeping on the bed, carefully opening the door trying not to make a sound I go into the bathroom. As I take off the clothes I’ve slept in I find a t-shirt and a pair of black shorts in the bathroom to put on, my phones on the side as I click the middle button to reveal the time. It reads 5:48am, rubbing my eyes I decide to go for a run just before Graces awakens. Maybe it’ll clear my head?

[Graces POV]

The sun is beaming through the window where the undrawn curtains remain, I can feel Goose at the bottom of the bed where I wiggle my toes. Well I hope its Goose because if not Hannah really needs to shave those legs…

I roll over and put my arm out to reach for Hannah, all I come into contact with is the rest of the silk sheets beneath me. My eyes shoot open in a moment of panic “Han?” I call out loud enough for her to hear if she was upstairs. There isn’t a reply and I begin to get worried, Goose has now picked her head up off of the bed to also enquire where Hannah is. Maybe she’s just down the stairs getting coffee or something? I lean over to the bedside table to the right of me and click the button on my phone to announce the time, it displays 7:33am “That’s real strange? Hannah never gets up until at least 8am?” I don’t know who I am talking to but either way I wouldn’t get a response.

[Hannah’s POV]

I’ve been running for well over an hour now and I’m sweating like a pregnant nun, it’s so hot out in LA especially at 6-7am. I best head home before Graces wakes up and wonders where I am, I’m only 2 blocks away as I was doing circuits.


I’m just at the front door and unlocking it, I can hear Goose barking. I come in and take off my shoes along with my socks, I hate the fact my feet get really hot really fast. Carrying my shoes in my hand as I climb the stairs the bedroom door is slightly open and Grace is lay on the bed, I can see her back which is bare, she’s taken her t-shirt off so she must have woken up? Placing my shoes in the wooden crate to the left of the stairs and my socks in the laundry pile, I enter the bedroom.

I’m hot and clammy right now but I want to see if Grace is awake, I go over to the bed and lie behind her taking the position of big spoon. I slide into the duvet and her bare body is against me.

My hot pale skin against her cold tanned, she turns around to face me with those sleepy eyes yet she doesn’t speak. Leaning in to kiss me, it’s quite a violent kiss as she pushes my head back and holds my neck with a grip that could leave finger marks if it wanted. As she releases her lips from mine, I catch my breath and look stunned.

“I want you Hannah.” She whispers into my mouth as she approaches my face again.

No hesitation is involved as my hand dips between her legs, she parts them and her arms are thrown around my neck. Her fingers gripping and clawing the top of my back and between my shoulder blades, my t-shirt still remains on. I’m now teasing her with my index finger, subtle moans are leaked out into the open air. Grace is begging me to do something, I’m still teasing as I kiss her neck, nibbling slightly, running my fingers up and down her thighs and pinching every so often.

She sits me up to take off my top and the underwear underneath, clawing at my back harshly to turn me on and to make me move my hands. I’m being stubborn as I refuse to make a move yet. The black shorts are still on the bottom half of my body as they haven’t been taken off yet, Grace usually likes to do the taking off of clothes when the moment is more than heated. Kissing to an extent of us being tongue tied, she deepens her tongue into my mouth while letting out loud moans. Moving down to my neck, sucking at the skin and my collar bones as this sends a wide arousal through my body.

I want her so bad now, more than ever. Her hands glide down the sides of my body and to the arch of my knees, pulling my leg over to hers and her hands creep up the inside of my thighs. Biting down on her lip as she lets out a slight moan, this is more than a moment and it’s more than heated.

I insert a finger into her, causing her jaw to drop and a grip firm on my neck. Then another, uncontrollable noises are filling the open air as I work my way in and out of her, starting off gentle and slow to then grow fast and vigorous. The way she likes it. Grabbing handfuls of my hair as I pleasure her to the right standard. Yeah she’s moaning but in a good way.

We’re now both naked and Grace’s body is no longer cold, her thin tanned legs are wrapped around me as she rocks back and forth. Head tilted back and her arms are behind her, harsh movements are involves as she demands me to go harder.

“mmm. Han, like that.” She lets out as she’s jolting her body towards mine more. She sounds close.

I’m so turned on right now, knowing Grace is too just makes my arousal more intense.

Grace grabs my wrist as she’s about to explode.

 "Shower, now.” She demands.

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