The Mistake.

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[Graces POV]

I think Mames is suspecting something? I don't know what, I just have a weird feeling? Maybe I'm Just being paranoid. Just need to stop over thinking. After feeding Goose, showering, tidying up and going to get some lunch I decided to call Hannah. 

"Hey Han, how you feeling?" 

"Yeah, I'm not too bad thanks. You?" She replies. 

"Oh, I'm okay and good I'm glad you're well." I hear Hannah Sigh before she begins to speak. "Gracie, what's wrong. I know you called me for a reason?" "I just wanted to speak... and maybe ask you about last night?" I say sheepishly. "What, why? Do you regret it or something?" Hannah sounds really worried and I can hear the panic in her voice. "No, no. Han I didn't mean it like that babe, I just meant like... whats the situation, you know?... with 'us'?" I ask with slight concern. "Well, you told me you loved me Grace?" she says quietly probably wondering if I remember that part? "Yeah, you said it back too Hannah? I don't regret any of last night and I know what I said." I say a little too harshly and Hannah pauses, "I didn't mean for that to sound bitchy Han, I'm sorry." I say moments afterwards and I hear Hannah's voice pick up again. "Maybe, we can discuss this later babe, I have to go I have a few things to do before later." Hanging up after that I just lay on the sofa with my phone resting on my chest, Goose laying at my feet and looking to the right at my camera on the table. "Hmm, maybe making a video will ease my mind until later." Grabbing the camera and switching it on. 

[Mamrie's POV]

Laying on the sofa with Beanz in the curve of my left leg, I can feel him breathing rather heavily as if he's asleep, looking down at him to see the typical Beanz sleeping position I notice him passed out. "Oh well I guess a walk is out of the question, ay Beany boy?" I stroke his head as I get up off of the sofa and collect my bag which is hanging on the door handle just a few feet away from me. Rummaging through my things, sorting out items for tonight and a possible stay over at Harto's house again(Because we never know how drunk we are getting tonight... or any night. Do we Mames?) I need to be prepared at the least I think to myself. Emptying wrappers, dog chews and my phone out on the table as I come across the baby monitor, I hold it for a second as I look down at it placed into my hands. "Maybe I should listen to whats on here, what if Grace and Hannah had a private chat and don't want me find out or something?" I think to myself still looking down at the device in my hands. "Hmm, I'm sure there is nothing to hide?" I say while sliding my mac book nearer to me and resting it on top of the coffee table, tapping the mouse pad to wake it up. I smile at my desktop background as I forgot I changed it to Me, Beanz, Han, Grace and Goose, Oh I remember this day when I filmed a YDAD and Hannah did a MDK with the cocktails I  made! 

Plugging the baby monitor into the mac book as I wait for the recordings to load, Its still picking up noise now. Its probably just Hannah tidying but I'll click it anyway. Clicking the live stream from Hannah's monitor to this one I can hear faint singing and movement of things. "Yeah, that's defiantly Harto singing to herself while tidying, haha!" I say to myself as I go to click the next document on the monitor, before I listen to it my phone begins to ring and I turn it face up to see who it is, It's Hannah. 

"Hey Han, what's up darling?" I say while answering the phone. 

"Would you care to tell me why your lipstick is on my hallway floor, Mamrie Lillian Hart?" Hannah says rather quickly down the phone followed on by her singing the next line to Paramore's song 'Proof'. 

"Oh my god, I totally forgot to wipe that up last night, sorry." I say half laughing and kind of feeling embarrassed. 

"Still doesn't answer my question Mames" She says in between song lyrics and giggling. 

"Oh, I'll explain later.." I say to buy myself time to make a decent excuse up without sounding like a creep. 

"Okays, thanks for that anyway babe. I always enjoy cleaning up after you." she says with a little too  much sarcasm. "Be at mine for around 7:30, bring Beanz too! Okay, Love ya see you in a while." She follows on with sounding extremely happy. Before I have the chance to respond she's gone and Im sat in silence on my own again, glancing at the time which reads 3:22pm. "Ah, I've got time before I need to shower and get Grace." I say while shutting the Mac Book lid. Dragging myself up the stairs to take a short nap to help this headache I'm nursing. 

{Hannah's POV]

I've just finished tidying the house for later on with my girls, now sat on the sofa with my happy play-list blasting through the surround sound system. Smiling to myself as I feel a lot better than I did 24 hours ago, thanks to two of my favourite people. Turning up the music and running up the stairs to then enter the bathroom, turning on the shower and getting in. Leaving the bathroom door wide open as I'm the only one who lives here. Singing at the top of my voice as I proceed to shower. I really can't wait for later with my girls It's be ages since we've all had a drink and laughed properly together. As the hot water is beating down onto my body I hear the play-list change to the 'Lazy days' play-list me and Grace created a few months back, the first song to come on is 'Jessie J-Masterpiece' It automatically reminds me Grace. Singing along rather loudly I can't help but think about Grace and her singing it to me like she usually would. Closing my eyes and tilting my head back, singing to myself as I think I'm hearing Grace's voice. I stop singing myself and open my eyes, what is my mind doing obviously playing tricks on me. As I start singing again I turn around to face the shower head and carry on as usual but this voice of Graces I'm hearing is getting louder, I just ignore it and keep on singing. Until the voice is really loud, clear enough to be in the same room as me. Jumping slightly as I feel a hand touch my back, turning around and seeing Graces smile, slightly worried about how she got in? "You really shouldn't leave your front door open or the bathroom door when you're showering, Han." She smiles at me along with winking. She starts to remove her clothes, tying her hair back and stepping into the shower, my hearts pounding as I don't question why she's here. Kissing my shoulder, up my neck and then my lips, I turn around to face her as our naked bodies are pressed against each other Grace whispers into my mouth "I love you so much". 

After around another 10 minutes of being in the shower with Grace, we decide to get out as our bodies have now done that weird wrinkly thing when you've been in water too long, plus Mamries coming round in just under two hours and we need to get ready. Grabbing a towel and another for Grace, we wrap ourselves in them and proceed to the living room. Lying on my side upon the sofa as Grace does the same but to face me, I kiss her forehead and snigger to myself. "What?" she asks in a shy voice, "The first time we slept together was on this very sofa, 2 days after I had brought it and we nearly got caught by Mames, do you remember?" I say slightly laughing about it now I look back on it. "Of course I remember it, yeah it was so risky I legit thought she was going to suspect something, ha." Grace replies with going bright red and covering her face with her hands causing her towel to slip a little. Closing my eyes and I lean in to kiss her she raises her arm from by her side and slides it up my neck, holding the side of my face while she kisses me back. I've wanted this back for so long, I've missed the taste of her. I've missed it. 

"Han, I've had the best idea ever to surprise Grace with Later, It's gonna be so goo-" I hear Mamrie call as she walks through the front door and into the front room, stopping suddenly and dropping the bags which was previously in her left hand. Starring at me and Grace lip locked in front of her. "What. The. Fuck." She says completely stunned still starring at us. 

"Ah, busted." Grace says while letting out a loud sigh. 

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