Those bitches

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Tbh guys I haven't really had time to write. A levels are taking over my life at the moment so please bare with as I'm taking my finals and I'm trying to revise for them. Anyway, They've recently put Pretty Little Liars on Netflix so I'm also on a binge watch while I write out fanfic for you lovely lot. Hope you're all doing well, love you lots! Thanks for reading. I have to admit that this next part isn't that well written, I've tried my best though. Thankyou for all the kind comments and positive feedback, I know a few of you are excited for this next part so sorry if it isn't what you expected. -Lace xo


[Hannah's P.O.V]

I can't help but look over every few minutes and Grace is fidgeting about like shes uncomfortable. She knows I'm looking over at Mamrie and Sarah but I can't not look over, I'm curious. Why are they even here? What are they doing together? Did they know me and grace where coming here?... Of course they didn't. Multiple questions circle in my head as I'm trying to contain my anger. How could she meet up with my ex girlfriend after telling me she had slept with her shortly after we had broken up, especially after what happened last night. Grace reaches out to lightly squeeze my hand and my head turns around from facing Mamrie's direction, she smiles at me and does that thing where she scrunches her shoulders up so her neck kind of disappears. I just grin back and try to forget about the two bitches sat in the corner of the cafe. 


After around 40 minutes of chatting and eating with Grace, I begin to remember that they are still in the same room as me. Mamrie's loud laugh starts to get on my nerves and cut right through me. I'm trying to ignore it but the cackle begins to grow stronger around me like I can't focus on anything but that. I turn around to make one last quick glance as I see the two females directly behind me, I obviously looked as shocked as Sarah as she walks over to become closer to me, wide eyed she opens her mouth to speak "Han.." I just stair at her in confusion but before I can respond she goes on "How've you been? I-" she stops and  looks at grace following on to look at the ground. I take a deep breath and jump up out of the chair I was once sat on "How fucking dare you have the nerve to come to my face and speak to me?" She looks really confused and Mamrie has her head down now while Sarah is facing me. "Han, I-I-" she stutters out before I cut in "No, don't even bother wasting your breath trying to justify yourself, she told me. So congrats on whatever the fuck this is" I say while throwing a gesture over towards Mamrie. 

Sour faced I storm out of the restaurant and look up at the open sky, inhaling the fresh air, I hear the door swing open and a hand touch my shoulder. I twist on one foot and see that it's Sarah, I immediately shrug off her hand and take a few steps back. "FUCK OFF SARAH, YOU SLEPT WITH MY BEST FRIEND NOT EVEN A MONTH AFTER WE HAD BROKEN UP, HOW DO YOU THINK THAT MAKES ME FEEL? LIKE COULD YOU NOT MAKE ME FEEL ANYMORE SHIT ABOUT MYSELF. I TRUSTED YOU AND THOUGHT WE ENDED ON GOOD TERMS... WE WERE FRIENDS AND NOW I FIND THIS OUT!?" My voice progressively getting louder and she looks embarrassed. Her head shoots back down to the floor as I hear her snuffling, I just stand in silence red faced before Grace comes out of the exit door with Mamrie. "AS IF YOU HAVE THE FUCKING NERVE TO COME HERE, I SHOWED THIS PLACE AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BRING SARAH HERE. STAY OUT OF MY LIFE. BOTH OF YOU." I scream over to them as I can't keep calm anymore. 

Sarah picks her head up and there is tears streaming down her cheeks, shes upset. Not mad. She grabs Mamrie's hand which dangles beside her and holds it tight. "I fucking love her Hannah. I always have. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but after 7 months of being with you I fell for her, yet I loved you both. I couldn't break it off with you because I loved you so much!" she stops to take in air and wipe the tears from her face. "Yes we stayed together for another 11 months after that before you told me about Grace and we had our differences. I was going to tell you then Hannah, I swear!" she tries to go on before Mamrie speaks up. "You love me?" she says just louder than a whisper and Sarah turns to face her, nods and grabs her hand. "Yeah, I have for a while." I just sigh really loudly and Grace waltz over to me, she does that smile and kisses my cheek. 

"You need to calm down, Hannah baby." she whispers tightly into my ear.  I kiss her on the forehead and walk over towards the car, a voice calls out and its Mamrie "I'm sorry Hannah, more than you can imagine. I hurt you and that sucks for me to have done that. I fucking hate myself for it and yeah it ate at me everyday knowing what I had done. I'm sorry." she half yells across the car park. I just clench my jaw tightly and carry on walking, Sarah says something but it sounds like muffled words as I'm too far away to make it out. I turn and open the car, flopping myself into the drivers seat I take my snap-back off and throw it on the backseat, running my fingers through my hair as I stair out of the window. I see Grace hug Mamrie and then smile at Sarah, I kinda get mad a little until I understand she didn't fuck Grace over. She fucked me over while pretty much fucking my girlfriend. Ergh. I take another deep breath and start the car. 


Grace climbs into the passenger seat and clips in her seat belt. Pulling off and out of the car park to head home. 

The silence is awkward and neither of us have made eye contact for a while, I kind of want her to just say something to me, like anything? I just wanna hear her voice in the air because that's what keeps me sane, that soft sweet voice. 

We drive a short while longer and just as I can't take this anymore as I pull over into what looks like a gate way to an open field turning off the engine and putting my hands into my lap. Grace makes a brief movement and touches my inner thigh, shifting her body to face me. I do the same and unclip my seat belt, She then removes her hand from my thigh and places it on my cheek, pulling me towards herself into a heartfelt kiss. I unclip her belt and lean in further before she pushes me back and then climbs onto me, my legs between her open ones as shes running her fingers through my hair and passionately kissing me, her tongue entering to touch mine as I send out open mouth kisses. "I crave you so bad Hannah" she lets out into my mouth as I grab the backs of her thighs to pull her closer to me while my hands creep towards her bum, gently grabbing it while Grace moans out a little. She throws her head back and demands... "Back seat."

As she climbs off of my lap, I climb into the back of the car... 

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