The moment.

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[Graces POV]


Trying to find where I placed the baby monitor last time I came to Hannah’s was a mission within its self. Frantically searching about until I remember I taped it under the bed frame so she wouldn’t see it on the floor. Flicking the switch on as it falls to the floor and creates the loudest noise ever. “Fuck, nice going Helbig!” I whisper to myself as I hear somebody upon the stairs. Praying it was Mamrie saying Hannah had fallen asleep and that we needed to go. This was way longer than the usual toilet journey, they’re probably wondering where I am? Quickly taping it back into its rightful place and get up from my knees and begin to pick my bag up as Hannah’s bedroom door opens, It’s Hannah and she looks so confused.


“Gracie, what you doing in here babe?” Hannah asks while starring at my hand.


Fucking Jesus Christ. I love it when she called me ‘Gracie’ and I’ve missed that voice so so bad.

“Umm, just come to get my perfume I keep in my bag that I left here last time, see?” I say while grabbing my tiny bottle of Thierry Muglers Alien off the side. Spraying myself with it a few times and I walk towards to door to go back down stairs. Hannah smiles in recognition.





As I go to leave the room, my bag slides down my arm faster than I expected as I go to grab it and kind of fail. Hannah grabs my wrist as I got to pick the bag back up off of the floor. Pulling me into a hug she then whispers into my neck

“I’ve missed you so fucking much, your smell, this dark brown hair, these knitted jumpers, you. I’ve missed you.”

I don’t know what to say, I just freeze I try to speak but the words won’t come out of my mouth, “GRACE HELBIG, say something you stupid woman!” I’m silently screaming in my head. I hug Hannah back and I manage to squeeze out a few words. “I miss you too Han, things haven’t been the same recently without you.”

I feel my bag drop as I’m pushed against the frame of the door, Hannah tip toeing as her lips meet mine, furiously kissing me as our mouths work together like this was meant to happen, like we were meant to happen. Pulling me away from the door frame on my unsteady legs, Hannah pushes me onto the bed and lunges on top of me. Straddling me; her body hot against mine, leaning forward towards my neck while pressing violent kisses upon it, as I let out light but meaningful moans. Pulling off my beige knitted jumper from my newly warm body to reveal my green and black plaid shirt. “Shit, I’m so gay.” I think to myself. By now I’ve already kicked my shoes off and Hannah hasn’t got any on, she looks up and starts to slowly unbutton my shirt. Making her way down my tanned torso while pressing open mouth kisses upon my bare skin, slightly nibbling as she gets further down I can feel my heart beat getting stronger as she reaches her way to the bottom of my stomach. Growing nervous, yet the good kind of nervous Hannah does seem to hesitate as she rips off my shirt and begins to make her way down to the cuffs of my skinny jeans. Tugging at the bottoms as I wriggle out of them to help her slightly, revealing my body to be nearly bare other than the black bra and the purple laced underwear in which grips my body. “Oh my god, you’re perfect Gracie.” I hear Hannah breathe against my skin as I slightly jolt forwards, removing Hannah’s t-shirt and quickly kissing her lips, moving down to her neck and sucking on her collar bones. She’s got my favourite underwear on; I can see the waist band of the blue underwear beneath her sweats and the matching bra to go with it on her top half. I smile to myself as I lay back and Hannah begins to climb my body again, kissing back up my body as she knew this drove me mad. As she rises up her hand slowly slides down my body and into the top of my underwear, I gasp as she enters two fingers inside of me, letting out a loud moan, not caring who hears me. Hannah is working her fingers in and out as I’m rocking back and forth onto her, slightly lifting my pelvis up whenever it’s convenient. I’m close, yet I don’t want to be, Hannah kisses my chest, my neck and then my lips and whispers to me “Hold out baby” as she creeps down my body for the third time slowly removing my purple laced underwear, sliding it passed my thighs and down my long legs, Hannah then moves my left one and then places herself between me, propping one leg on her shoulder as she moves her head down. Licking the entrance of me, flicking her tongue up and down as I let out heavy moans of enjoyment. Grabbing handfuls of Hannah’s hair as she using her tongue to pleasure me uncontrollably. Not caring about anything but the beautiful woman before me, I feel so good right now and I don’t want this to end, yet before I know it Hannah’s began to tease me with her tongue, I can feel myself rising from the bed and also her smile as she knows what’s about to happen. “Oh-oh-oh my god!” I let out a little too loudly for my liking as I feel Hannah snigger against me. Hannah sits up, licks her lips and smiles at me. “Mmm… ‘Nice going Helbig’” she mimics me as she knows I curse this to myself more than 20 times a day. I give her a slight nudge and then laugh. “Okay then Harto, your turn baby…”

I will continue this, I promise it’s just that its really late right now in England and I have to be up in a few hours, Sometime this week will be the next update, I promise you! Thanks for reading my lovely’s.

 –Lace xo

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