The final question..

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Hey guys so as you know this is the final part of this fic and I’m finishing it. Don’t be too sad though as I’m starting a new one shortly, I know I promised to give you an insight to what it would be about, so…

Yes it is still involving the holy trinity (Hannah, Grace and Mamrie) the dogs won’t be mentioned in the next fic but you’ll see why if you chose to read. Chester See will be involved, along with Tyler, Troye and Connor Franta. I don’t want to give too much away so that’s all I am going to say. I would love it if it could get as many reads as this one the goal is 2K+ (hopefully!) Thankyou for standing by me so much, thanks for the kind comments and lovely feedback. I love you all! –Lace xo


[Hannah’s POV]

 “Shower, now” She demands.

No argument about it, I get up off the bed while slide Grace towards me. Her hands grip my sides as I lift her off the bed and onto my naked body, carrying her into the bathroom.

She turns on the shower and climbs in, I just stand there and admire her body. How perfect it is, she’s slim, tanned, tall, she’s just everything I’ve ever dreamed of. In a dazed state I’m stood there, Grace snaps her fingers in front of my face and I’m brought back into reality.

“Hannah Hart, what are you doing?” she asked sounding concerned and slightly pissed off at the same time. “I-I-I was...” stuttering to force a reply out.

“Okay baby, no time for explanations, get in!” she whines while lifting me into the shower…

[Grace’s POV]

 After being in the shower with Han for nearly an hour we decided to get out. My hairs wet and I’m sat on the edge of the bed with just a towel round me, Hannah has my Camp Takota baseball tee on which is big on me so it drowns her, she doesn’t have underwear on as it covers everything that doesn’t need to be shown right now. I look back at her as she looks up from her iPad

“What’s wrong babe?” she questions while reaching out for my hand. “Nothing.” I reply back with a fake smile to follow it, bunching up the towel beneath me to sit up against the headrest.

I feel her body nearer mine as my head still remains unmoved, forwards. Her arm cradling the middle of my stomach and her head in my neck. “Grace Ann Helbig, if you think for a second I’m going to take that as an answer then you are wrong. You know you can speak to me, so what is wrong?” She says close to my face.

I turn and kiss her forehead.

“Nothing is wrong baby, I’m just fed up of the same thing day in and day out, that’s all.”

She kisses my lips and holds herself against me for a minute. “I love you so much.” She breathes out against my face. “And I love you too Han.”

“I’m going to put some clothes on now and probably take Goose for a walk… you erm wanna come?” I suggest to her while slipping the towel down my body.


 [Hannah’s POV]

It’s a really nice day out in LA, the sun is shining yet there’s a light breeze behind it so it’s not too much? Grace suggested that we’d take Goose out on a walk down the country lanes and open fields, which wasn’t a bad idea to be honest, I like it when me and Grace go on our little outings.

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