Cottage Cafe

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[Graces POV]

Waking up not for the first time in Hannah's bed, naked. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes to overlook two other naked bodies of which are Hannah and Mamrie. I route about in the open space of the bedroom searching for items of clothing, not really caring who's they are as its a bitter morning and my nipples are erect.

I can see my hair looking pretty messy as I'm sat on the toilet bowl daydreaming into the mirror and grinning to myself after last night. The laminate flooring throughout this house was a shitty idea, it is freezing against my toes. Tying my hair into a messy bun onto the top of my head while walking out of the bathroom, I bump into Hannah who looks slightly startled to see me. "Whoa so last night did happen then" she says looking down at her own naked body, patting her on the shoulder I laugh it off and make my way back into the room.

Mamrie is still lay on the bed, also naked under the sheets which cover her. "Hey, Mames" I lean over to her as shes opening her eyes. She smiles back and lets out a croaky "Hey" before attempting to sit up. Hannah shortly following in after, also grinning back at the two of us in her bed. "When it's convenient, please proceed to the kitchen for breakfast." She announces while clothing herself, Mamrie nods and I just smile back at her in recognition. Watching her turn around and gradually walk down the stairs I turn back to Mamrie, "I need to ask you something?" I say while holding my head in my hands. "Sure Helbig, what is it?" rubbing her eyes. "Who was she?" I say looking at her tilting my head. Raising her eyebrows she looks confused "Grace, what?" "You know, you said you'd done this before? I'm just curious." Mamrie begins to turn a light shade of red and bunches the duvet up around her, "If I've made you feel uncomfortable Mames, I'm sorry. Just tell me where to go and I'll be quiet." reaching out and touching the back of her hand. "No, it's fine. I've just never told anyone. That's all." Playing with the corner of the duvet as she's looking down at her hands.

There's silence for a few moments before Mamrie clears her throat, "It was Sarah." I feel like the room stood still as she let that out into the open air. Her eyes shut tight as my jaw drops uncontrollably. "You mean- You mean, S-S-Swike?" I stutter out as Mamrie silently nods her head with her lips held tight together. My jaw is still shot open as I'm trying to get my words out. "Mamrie, you know we don't dare talk to bestfriend's ex's let alone sleep with them. What were you thinking!?" I'm kind of mad for Hannah's sake, Mamrie is still quiet and her head is now in her hands... "I-I-I was confused Grace and I- please don't tell Hannah." She's now looking at me with those sympathy eyes that I can't ever say no to. "I wont mention anything Mames but the second she asks, I swear to god... you're the one telling her." She swallows hard and then nods at me. "Now, get some clothes on before Hannah wonders where we are or what we're doing." I wink at her before she replies to me. "You're kinda wearing my shirt Grace- and my pants."

*Around 10 minutes later*

[Mamrie's POV]

Me, Grace and Han are all sat in her kitchen, around the tiny dining table as Hannah only has a small area to work with. I feel guilty for telling Grace and not Hannah but I don't want to ruin anything between us or start a riot between Han and Sarah. My conscious is getting the better of me and I can't help but feel sick with it, Grace keeps looking over to me as she can kind of figure out what's wrong with me. Hannah is in a deep conversation about Tumblr, as always and to be completely honest I'm not really listening to her but just keep nodding every few sentences she stops at. Picking at the food on the plate before me, I can feel Hannah starring at me, half chewing with her raised eyebrow she questions me "Mames, what's up babe?". Grace nudges her foot against my shin under the table subtly as I pick my head up to look at Hannah. "I slept with Sarah." There it was, just like word vomit. I couldn't control it, there was nothing I could do to stop those words falling from my mouth or to even take back those last 4 words I had just spat out.

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