The Major Fuck Up.

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[Mamrie's POV]

"What. The. Actual. Fuck." I say completely stunned while staring at the both of them opposite on the sofa, barely covered by the towels they were lay on top of. 

"Ah, Busted." Graces says while letting out a loud sigh. 

"Yeah, fucking busted." I say rather angry. "Can someone care to explain whats the fucking actual fuck is fucking going on!?" I follow on with. 

"Mames, you need to calm down." Hannah says, bunching up the towel while attempting to climb over graces body. "Don't you dare, don't you dare 'Mames' me right now" I say red faced with fury. 

As Hannah confidently drops the towel in front of me and Grace, walks over to the clean pile of washing in the corner of the room and sorts out underwear and her red plaid shirt she's now getting dressed. Picking up the towel off of the floor, rubbing her hair with it and flicks it over the banister on the stairs. "Grace, go and get dressed." Hannah shoots over to her a little harshly like she's completely done right now. Grace has now gone upstairs to put on clothes and Hannah has now found some black skinny jeans which shes struggling to put on. "Why do I like skinny jeans so fucking tight, hmm." I laugh and reply with "Just like your women then" and she tries to stay mad but ends up laughing and nudging me. Sitting upon the chair opposite the sofa as I don't wanna know what's happened on that sofa whereas Hannah just sits on it. "So what the fuck is going on Hannah? How long has this been like this, whatever it is?" I say concerned yet slightly pissed off. "I don't know what it is myself to be honest Mamrie, we've just you know, spent the night together a couple times?" Hannah says uncertainly. "and how many times is a 'couple' Hannah?" I don't know why I care or why I'm even asking, I just want to know. "Honestly, I don't know exactly... about 5 or 6?" She says while putting her head in her hands. "How long?" jaw clenched and my fists tightened in my lap. "About 3 or so months." Her voice breaks half way through the sentence, almost sounds like she's going to cry. 

"Me and Grace were gonna speak about this tonight and I swear to god Mamrie, I swear I was gonna tell you that something was happening, I'm so confused and I just need to sort this out. I need help. I need help. I need help." slightly rocking herself forwards and backwards with her knees up to her chest Hannah's slightly crying and staring at me. "I love her so much Mames, I just don't know what she wants and-" shes crying rather a lot right now and can't breathe. I can hardly make out what she's saying now, going over to the sofa of where Hannah is placed, hugging her tightly and feeling slightly broken inside. "Han, it's going to be okay babe. I promise." I say while closing my eyes. 

Trying not to cry myself while clenching onto Hannah's shirt as shes still carefully rocking in my arms. I can't tell her how I feel after she's just told me that she loves Grace. Fuck sake Mamrie.

[Graces POV]

I thought it was best if I stayed up stairs for a bit to let them talk. I've waited around 15 minutes now, so I'm going to go back down and see what's going on. I can't hide from it forever can I. As I'm walking down the steps trying to be as quiet as possible I can hear crying, straight away it's Hannah, I've reached the living room  and I'm now standing in the doorway. Staring at Mamrie and Hannah looking quite intimate on the sofa, my eyes immediately start to fill with tears and I can't look any longer. Hearing my sobs Mamrie picks her head up and leaves Hannah on the sofa. Entering the kitchen, where I'm sat at the table with my head upon it, crying to myself as I'm so confused. A hand touches my shoulder and I know its her. "Grace?" I hear her say. "I can't do this anymore." She carries on with, taking a deep breathe to then carry on to say "I love you, I'm sorry." I hear footsteps getting distant as I pick my head up and realize what has just been said "Wait! What?" Staring at my best friend Mamrie Lilian Hart. 

[Hannah's POV] 

I can hear Grace crying and I don't know why. I get up to go to the kitchen where the other two are, Mamrie stood in the door way of the kitchen while Grace is sat at the table. "Whats going on?" I ask while looking at Mamire, her eyes are wet like she's been crying but why would she be crying? Surely she can't be that annoyed we didn't say anything? 

"For fuck sake Hannah, I love her." "I've loved her from since I can remember. Now look what's happened. You's two love each other and I'm just the third wheel longingly wanting her when you've got her!" Mamrie lets out while still crying. I'm kind of happy shes yelling at me to be honest, I'm glad every things being let out, we need to be open and honest with each other so this is what its going to be. "Okay, here's whats going to happen. We are ALL sitting down together and talking this out. No one is leaving until something happens that we ALL agree on. Understood?" I say while staring at the two beautiful girls in front of me. Grace nods while wiping away the mascara off of her cheek while Mamrie makes her way over to the table, pulling out two chairs, one for me and the other for her. 

I grab Mamrie's hand and face her "Mames, I understand how you feel okay, because now I'm in the same boat." She just nods and rubs her finger over the palm of my hand. I can hear Grace sniffling the other side of the table while listening to me speak. Mamrie leans over to me and kisses my lips, I stop dead and just freeze not knowing what to do. "I just love you's so much, I'm torn between both of you. I think I spend more time with Grace, that's why I'm drawn to her more. The truth is, I fucking love you both. I'm so messed up inside and I don't know what to do." She lets out a loud sigh, almost sounds like she's relieved that she's now got that off of her chest. I'm quiet for a few moments after that and Grace hasn't said a word. 

Just as I'm about to ask for someone to say something, Grace gets up from the table and comes behind me. Kissing my neck while looking Mamrie dead in the eyes. Though, Mames doesn't look mad, she smiles and I'm totally confused. She gets up and begins to kiss my mouth, kissing back I don't know what I'm doing. After about 30 seconds she's unbuttoning my shirt and Grace is running her fingers through my hair. "Someone pinch me" I whisper as I feel like this is a dream. Mamrie laughs and Grace pauses "Upstairs, both of you. Now!" No objections as Mamrie leads the way, Grace following and me trailing behind afterwards. Oh my fucking god, is this really happening? 

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