The Mini-bar.

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[Grace’s POV]

Me and Mames have just arrived at Hannah’s, there doesn’t seem to be any sign of life to be honest. The house is in complete darkness and I can’t hear anyone or anything but that might just be due to the fact that it’s nearly 1am. After nearly 5 minutes of standing at Hannah’s front door hesitantly, deciding whether to knock or not I finally pluck up the courage to do it. Mamrie doesn’t seem 100% on board with this but she soon will be due to the fact I’ve just rang the door bell.


After a few moments of waiting for an answer at the door, I feel a chill down my spine and the cold wind creep up my jumper. “Knew I should of got changed before we left” I whisper to myself as I give Mamrie a look of ‘I don’t think she’s in/awake?’


Suddenly hearing a fumbling of keys and locks on the other side of the door I see Hannah’s face as the cold breeze enters the house, Hannah looks relieved but also kind of shocked that the outside does still exist.


“Hey, Guys?” Hannah’s uncertain and croaky voice leaks out as she greets us.

“Hey Han!” Mamrie says a little too loudly and hugs Hannah tight.

I just smile and follow in after Mamrie.


“What are you’s doing here?” Hannah says while flicking on the front room lamp, taking a seat on her basically brand new sofa because it’s hardly ever used except from that one time when we..

Let’s just not get into that right now, ay.


“Just come to see you, Grace and I miss you so much and we have hardly spoken lately. You know what we’re like with the surprise visits especially at spur of the moment times like this, hey grace?” Mamrie covers up the lies with more, I like your style mametown. As she nudges me as to say get the job done.

I pick my bag up and hug Hannah, “Just going to the bathroom babe, be back down in a sec?” I falsely say as I begin to climb the stairs. Hannah smiles and Mamrie takes a seat next to her.



[Mamries POV]


“So Han, How you been? I know we haven’t seen you in a while but you look like shit Hun, we’ve been trying to ring and message you like crazy!?” I say while taking her hand.

“Oh, yeah sorry forgot to tell you guys, I dropped my phone in the bath and now it’s broken. Been meaning to get a new one but you know haven’t really got around to it.” Hannah lies as I see a smashed up phone on the coffee table in front of us, I defiantly know it’s hers too. That bloody Iphone 6 plus in gold she’s wanted for the past 6 months. I just smile as she lies back on the sofa.

Hannah lets out a deep sigh, moving her legs closer to her body as if she’s going to curl up into a tight ball.

“Han? Are you getting bad again darling. You know I can help you, right?” I say while moving her hair out of her face.

“No, I’m fine it’s just...”

She stops mid sentence as we hear a loud thud come from upstairs.


Hannah jumps up and goes to investigate, I just stay sat yet slightly slouched starring off into the distance at Hannah’s mini bar she’s got going on over there near the TV.



What felt like five minutes pass and I notice myself dosing off, I’m so tired. Grace said we wouldn’t be long and promised Goose we also wouldn’t be long. She always keeps her promises, even if they’re just to Goose. I take my phone out of my pocket and click the middle button, notice the time reads 1:34am, I must have fallen asleep or something, when did it get this late?


Picking myself up off of the sofa that still smells like its fresh out of the shop, I waltz over to Hannah’s assortments of liquor, picking up various bottles including the sambuca and a bottle of wine. “Ah, Hannah won’t mind I’m sure?” I say while kicking off my shoes and lying on the sofa.


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