The moans.

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Just a heads up guys, this next part is the remainder of the previous part in which ended "Okay then Harto, your turn baby..." this is from Hannah's POV as the last was in Grace's. I apologize for the awful writing in advance. Ah I tried my best guys haha. -Lace xo

[Hannah’s POV]        

"Lie on your back for me, Han." Graces whispers into my ear as I do as she’s commanding. Lying on my back with my feet flat on the bed, legs slightly raised and knees bents, staring up at the ceiling. I feel Grace's body warmth nearer me as I shiver with slight frustration, her touch against my bare stomach makes me jump slightly as I wasn't expecting this. "Mmm." I let out a slight noise of delight and let Grace work her magic. Sliding my sweats off of my bruised yet pale legs I feel grace pause as she gets to the arch of my knees, I can see her looking down at my thighs and then slowly glancing back at me. "um, Grace..." I try to justify myself but Grace isn't having any of it, she lowers herself back onto my body and kisses from my collar bones down to my knees, stopping at the slight cuts and scars on my thighs to kiss each and every one of them. Feeling overwhelmed as this beautiful human being before me kisses every inch of my body, I have so totally missed this. Grace's hands are now on my chest, one gripping my shoulder and the other nearer my collar bone, kissing me passionately while she’s nearing my back slowly to unclip my bra. Taking the opportunity to touch the areas of my body of which haven’t been explored yet, including her sliding off the lightly patterned blue underwear from which I was wearing. Being naked always made me feel insecure but with Grace it was different, I felt like I didn’t have to hide who I was anymore when I was with her. As she leans her body weight onto me, I can feel her left hand move down my body slightly getting faster as she reaches past my belly button, the brief brushing of my skin send a shudder through my body which I weirdly enjoy. "Just do it, Gracie!" I breathe out as her hand is rested upon the top of my thigh, without any hesitation Grace Forces a finger inside of me, just as I pleaded. "Mmm, yeah Gracie. I want you so bad baby." I cry out. Slowly moving her finger inside of me, making me call out, until there is a sudden stop and I become slightly confused. Grace hesitates to then insert another finger, letting out a loud and meaningful moan, gripping the bed sheets as she slides me onto her both sitting up right with my legs wrapped around her waist. Rocking me hard onto her, filling me as I can't take it any longer I need to let this out, Grace has now quickened the pace and I defiantly cannot hold this in anymore. "Yeah Gracie, Don't stop baby, don't stop." the room now being filled with heavy moans as I can feel myself edging closer and closer. The room stands still as my stomach muscles tighten, almost barging my shoulder into Grace's unintentionally as the warm liquid fills her palm and runs down her arm. Pulling her fingers out of me, Grace puts them into her mouth and sucks them while staring at me, oh my god this turns me on so much. Both panting as Grace holds me; clutching the back of my head grabbing fistfuls of hair, I can feel her chest rise and fall along with mine.  "I’m so not fucking done, Hannah babe lie back down. Now." she says in that cute breathless voice I'm so weak for. Removing my legs from around Grace's waist I slide back to lie in the middle of the bed, with a little help from Grace as I hit the bed with the push she just gave me, lying on my back when grace decides she doesn't want me like this anymore. "Han, sorry but this isn't working." My heart drops but just as soon as she notices my face she begins to speak again. "Face down, ass up. Please." she winks at me and bites her lip. The sexual energy in the room has just been restored and I can still feel it rising. Positioning myself to Grace's order, an overwhelming feeling takes over as Grace grabs my side with her right hand and uses her left to part my legs. Applying pressure in the arch of my back while she proceeds to satisfy me, dipping her tongue into each and every fold and hole she can find. Moaning uncontrollably as I can feel that rising in my stomach again. "Gracie, Baby?" I call out with a shaky voice. "mmhmm" I hear her moan into me. "Baby, I'm gonna­- I'm gonna- cum." As soon as Grace hears those words she's determined that this is going to happen for the second time tonight, flicking her tongue up and down as I roll my hips. Bucking up and down with her rhythm, copying her patterns and the way she swirls. I feel as if I'm in heaven. Then it happened. Grace sits up and wipes her mouth, feeling pretty proud of herself as she leans in to kiss me. Throwing ourselves back onto the bed, lying on our backs as we let out a loud sigh, just staring off into the darkness. 

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