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Hi hi, hey hey. Oh yeah second update in a week... check me out!;) I'm joking, just trying to make up for not updating in nearly 3 weeks, so enjoy my lovely's! // Also, if you're into bands or whatever listen to 'Tonight alive – Invincible' it'll help you get a feel of how this part is meant to be like.[sorry if this is really short and shitty.] -Lace xo  

[Graces POV}

I start to feel sick. My breathing becomes heavier and uncontrollable, staying completely silent I sit up and cross my legs to face Hannah. I take a deep breath and I feel really nervous, she could be asking a million and one things and I seem to narrow it down into 3 possibilities in the 0.4seconds she's left me to think in. It could be; can we never encounter each other ever again? It could be marry me? It could even be... no, it wouldn't be.

[Hannah's POV]

I'm real nervous now. Grace is sat opposite me with her legs crossed and her hands in her lap. I'm shaking so bad and I can't control it, I take a deep breath in unison with Grace and pick my head up from where it's nearly resting on the floor. I look at her and she just stairs back at me, assuming she just wants to know what I'm going to say. I reach out to her hand and begin to stutter "G-Grace, if it's too soon, I-I-I understand. I just want to know if you'd-"

Her phones ringing, she slides it from her shorts pocket and reveals the name, its Mamrie.

I let go of her hand and sigh. "Just answer it." I say rather bluntly and climb off the bed, Goose follows just before the door closes behind me.

Throwing my body weight into each step I take down the stairs and into the kitchen, I open the liquor cabinet and pick up the nearest bottle, its tequila. I pour out a shot and slap it back into my mouth, along with another and another and another. Wincing at the burning sensation in my throat I hold my neck, I kind of enjoy that feeling after a while. Taking the bottle off the side without bothering to bring the shot glass I trail off into the living room, diving on to the sofa avoiding spilling alcohol on the furniture and myself.


The room is in complete darkness and its spinning, my eyes hurt from crying. I don't even know why I am crying, I feel like I've fucked up and I didn't even ask her. I just left her. Hannah you're a complete twat, go upstairs and explain, well at least apologize for storming off.

I'm now slurring and dragging myself back to the bedroom, I push the door gently and I can see her curled into a ball facing the other way. I stumble over to her and fling myself onto the side of the bed where there's a slight space behind Grace, I touch her arm and she's freezing. Bunching the duvet from underneath her and attempting to cover her. She turns to face me, I can see her panda eyes in the light which is sourced from the moon, being reflected in through the narrow gaps in the blinds. She sniffles and tries to wipe her tears away, this results in more black smudges around her face from her not so waterproof mascara. 

"Gracie- I'm sorry, I was out of order for being mardy and I didn't mean to storm out on you." I say as her face is close to mine. "Hannah, have you been fucking drinking!?" she sounds really annoyed at me, she carries on before I can reply "Actually, don't fucking answer that- I can tell from the strong fumes coming from your mouth." She tries to slide further away from me to the other end of the bed which is usually my side. My arm reaches out and cups her body. I pull her into me and she tries to fight it, I don't let go. "Hannah, let me go." She says sternly. I grip tighter and stare at her dead in the eyes "Grace Ann Helbig, I love you so fucking much, okay? I know I'm slightly inebriated right now but I mean every word I'm about to say..." she closes her eyes tight and I loosen my grip on her, relaxing back she allows herself to listen to me.

"Look, we've been together nearly a year and probably seeing each other longer than that. I want you in my- no, I need you in my life because you are my life. Grace I just can't seem to go a day without you. I know we basically see each other 24 hours a day but what I was going to ask you was-

Would you consider, sort of maybe... moving in with me? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to, I'll get that it's just there's plenty of space here for you and Goo-"

She shuts me up with a kiss.

"Of course I'll move in with you." Grace is now in sobs of tears and is doing that grippy thing with my t-shirt near the shoulder. I just let out the loudest sigh ever and kiss her on the forehead.

"Grace Helbig, please never fucking leave me."  I breathe out into the open air. "Never" she whispers. "Ever." 

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