The movement.

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So what I have done is posted the next two parts to this fic, this is where I had typed up to. I'm going to write the next few parts through the week and over the weekend, so I may not post them until around sunday or monday. Thankyou for your time darlings! -Lace xo

[Mamrie's POV]

Waking up to the sound of what seems like furniture banging against a wall or someone kicking a door repeatedly. I feel so dazed and confused to begin with then I remember that I'm maybe a little bit drunk, clutching my second bottle of wine against my chest I realize I should stop drinking now. Attempting to stand up as I kick over the two empty bottles on the floor. "Man, I need some water and possibly the bathroom please." I mumble to myself as I find my way to Hannah's only bathroom of the house, which is located upstairs. As I get to the second from top step I pause and try to adjust my hearing as I think I'm hearing moans? Like sexual moans? "Mames, you must be drunk girl. The only people who were upstairs are Hannah and Gra-" "Mmm, yeah Gracie. I want you so bad baby." I hear Hannah call out. I start to feel sick and I really don't know why, I'm not homophobic, of course I'm not. Maybe it's the alcohol? Running to the bathroom as I start to feel dizzy, I use the bathroom and slowly creep out trying not to make any sound so neither Hannah or Grace will hear me. The door is slightly cracked open and I can't help myself but to just glance through the 2 inch gap they had left. I'm curious, what can I say? Like I know what females do in the bedroom, just never actually seen it up close and personal, it's always just been Hannah telling me drunken stories or the odd stories out of confidence. I can see Hannah almost sat on Grace's lap "what are they doing?" I think to myself confused until I see where Grace's hand is, then my brain begins to register what's happening and what I'm doing. "Mamrie! whoa what are you doing?" I lightly whisper to myself so only I can hear it. Realizing I'm watching my two best friends in a moment of passion. I turn around and put my head in my hands, why do I find this slightly arousing? No, Mames you aren't gay, what are you doing? I keep asking myself all these questions while I'm slumped against the wall outside of Hannah's main bedroom, quietly listening to the moans of my best friends. Crawling on my hands and knees to the top of the stairs, I slowly let myself slide down them, reaching the bottom to then lie on the cold laminate flooring, it's kind of soothing. I just hope I don't fall asleep here because I don't know how I'm going to explain this when one of them find me in the morning. As I lay on the cold floor for a good 10 to 15 minutes I notice I'm sleepy again, I pick myself up and go back over to the sofa, wondering if what I saw earlier was real or not. I probably won't mention anything but I'm still curious, how long has this been happening between them two? I don't feel left out because I understand it's their personal lives yet I'm their best friend, right? Oh I think I just need to sleep now. Checking the time on my phone as I click the middle button for the third time tonight, its 2:53am and It's about time I did hit the hay.

[Graces POV]

Lying there in the dark, naked, hot and next to the girl who is my everything. The silence is awkward but also kind of nice? I'm enjoying it until I hear Hannah shuffling on top of the bed sheets, lying on her side to face me. Giving her a brief smile and kissing her forehead, I take her hand and rub my thumb against hers. "Han?" I whisper as she opens her eyes and innocently looks up at me. "Gracie?" she replies as my stomach fills with butterflies. "I love you." I say as I shut my eyes bracing myself for a knock back or deadly silence. I feel Hannah jump a little and she picks her head off of the pillow. I get worried and my eyes shoot open, I'm now inches away from her face while staring at her, tears in her eyes as she replies to me "I love you too Grace."

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