True Fear - Chapter 27

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"What?!" I almost yelled. Harry grabbed my shoulders and made me look at him. His eyes were fierce and concerned  not happy and smiley and joyful like usual. 

"Zayn, listen to me, it's going to be OK, we're almost at the hospital," I took some deep breathes and nodded slowly. He nodded with me and let og of my shoulders. I looked down at the floor and tried to think of something else, but i heard her groaning behind me and i couldn't. I turned to her and walked over, sitting beside her, i rubbed her back and looked down at her. She glanced at me.

"What's going on?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper. I smiled slightly  and moved hair from her face.

"It's OK, everything's OK, your going to be fine," She smiled back at me.

"Liar," I smiled again and kissed her forehead. everything was going to be OK  it had to be, i couldn't lose her. I closed my eyes and sat there with her. The the bus driver yelled back at us,

"We're here," I helped her up and she let out a moan and we walked as fast as she could out of the bus and towards the hospital. We hurried her inside and Louis called for help. I tuned everyone out. I just watched her. her face twisting in pain. the way she grabbed at her stomach. Someone walked over and set her down in a wheel chair and wheeled her away from me. I heard her let out a scream and moved to go after her but someone grabbed my shoulders and held me back. I just watched her dis pear down the hallway and turned around. All the boys stood there now. Looking at me. I didn't say anything, just walked over to the chairs and sat down, putting my face in my hands, rocking back and forth on my heels. Someone patted my back but i didn't look up to see who it was. I rubbed my face and sat back, closing my eyes. I sunk into the seat and kept my eyes closed. Thinking about her, and the baby, hoping everything would be OK.

After a while the doctor walked in. I stood up and looked at him. He looked at me and sighed.

"I'm sorry we weren't able to save the baby," I felt my heart sink, i feel to the floor.  My knees crashing into the floor. Someone grabbed my shoulders and held me. I felt the tears take over my eyes, blurring everything. I couldn't see a thing. I wrapped my arms around myself and stared at the floor. No, this wasn't happening, my hands were shaking violently  Someone grabbed my shoulders tighter and helped me up onto my feet. I let the tears fall over and looked at the doctor.

"Is she OK?" He rubbed his face and i felt my heart break again.

"She's not doing very well, she may not make it," I put my face in my hands and let the tears fall harder. My shoulder shook and someone rubbed my back. I ran my fingers through my hair and looked up at him,

"Can i see her?" He nodded and i followed him down the hallway. Everything seemed so un real, like a dream, this couldn't be happening to me. She had to make it, the baby was fine, i thought that over and over again as we walked down the white empty hallway. He opened the door and i walked in. She layed on the bed. Her heart monitor beeping slowly, to slowly to be healthy. I bite my bottom lip as more tears formed and i walked to the side of her bed and gripped her hand tightly in mine and closed my eyes. Listening to the machine at my side telling me she was still here. I took a breathe and looked at her sleeping face and ran my thumb down her cheek.

"Everything is going to be OK, just like i promised, the baby isn't in any more pain," My words caught on a sob and i wiped my face as i watched her, i didn't know if she could hear me, i rubbed my thumb on her hand and took a breathe,

"And soon, you won't be in any more pain either," I smiled weakly and looked at her. I leaned my forehead on hers and kissed her lips lightly.

" I love you...forever and always right," I smiled weakly and closed my eyes, just as the sound came that no on wanted to hear. Her heart monitor going flat. I feel to the floor as people rushed around me. Someone picked me up and moved me to the side. But i just feel again and cried  Wrapping my arms around myself, letting the tears fall, heavy and un stoppable  My heart breaking, i was going to die, i couldn't live without her, i got up and ran out of the hospital and outside, running into the open road and into a park, i feel to my knees and let out a cry and layed down, letting black take over.

I woke up with a start and looked around the room. Louis and Liam were watching me. I sighed and rubbed my face. That didn't make me feel any better. The dream stuck in my head. The images of her dieing didn't want to leave my head. I looked at them. Liam patted my leg and i looked at him.

"Bad dream?" I nodded and he nodded back. She couldn't die, i wouldn't let her die, i wouldn't let the baby die. I was going to fight for all of us, no matter what, i turned to Liam.

"Will you help me with something?


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