Chapter 5 - Best Day

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  • Dedicated to Rikki Holzwarth

Chapter 5......

We pulled up infront of the dorm and i just sat there, I didnt know what he wanted to do. He got out and walked over and opened my door. I climbed out and He walked towards the dorm lobby room. He turned back to me.

"Soo. was the movie good?" I smiled and nodded.

'It was awesome," I said, nodding, to tell the truth, i had hardly seen any of the movie, i had been distracted by first, all the cameras, and second, that i was on a date with Zayn Malik. I had stared at him almost the whole time. He smiled.

"You didnt really watch the movie did you," I looked up at him and shook my head, feeling my face going hot. he laughed.

"Me either, sometimes i wish people would just be normal," I nodded.

"Yeah, but its hard,your just so good looking and all," I said, walking into the lobby. He laughed and followed me in. We walked to the elevator and stepped in. and he followed and pushed the 4th floor. My floor. 

"Next time i promise we will go somewhere we can acutally enjoy it," I looked at him as the doors opened. We walked out and towards my room.

"Next time?" I asked. raising an eyebrow. He smiled and nodded.

"What, i had fun, i was thinking of next saturday, you could come watch the boys and me practice for a show on the Main Street," I smiled and nodded.

"That sounds awesome, i'd love too," I said as we neared my door. He smiled and nodded. I dont think i would ever grow to get uset to that smile. I wanted to fall on my knees everytime he did. I took my key out and unlocked my door. I turned to him.

"See you around," He nodded.

"Night," I smiled and turned to my door about to walk in when he grabbed my arm. I turned and he leaned forward and kissed my cheek then walked down the hallway and disapeared around the corner. I stood there shocked out of ym socks. Zayn just kissed my cheek. I brought my hand up to my cheek and let a smile slpit my face. I ran inside and closed the door behind me. Ariel sat on the couch infront of my TV. She looked up at me.

"Soo," before she finished i screamed.

"HE KISSED MY CHEEK!" She screamed and shot up, wrapping her arms around me, we jumped a couple times and then feel back onto the couch. I watched what was on the TV for a while when i spoke again,

"He asked me out again," She smiled and hugged me.

"I KNEW he would love you, your just sooo loveable," I laughed and cruled up on the couch. Letting the light from the TV lulling me to sleep beside my best friend, the feeling of his lips on my cheek filling my memory, making my fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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