♡︎Chapter 4♡︎

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Fundy, Quackity, and Tubbo lead the three newcomers around L'manburg. Tubbo was able to lead the tour, somehow being able to tell them about every building and tell the three about the new rules around L'manburg. He has grown a lot since the last time everyone had seen him, having become more responsible and much smarter. Yet his old self was still there, Tubbo throwing in some jokes around here and there. He even told stories about things that happened while Tommy was gone. But none of them dared to mention anything about the Dream SMP. Due to Wilbur's request, they said nothing about the place. They didn't know why but they didn't question the brunette since they didn't want to question the person who knew the most about Dream at the moment. They all agreed to deciding to listen to him and say nothing about the land L'manburg shared a border with. They called everything a part of L'manburg for the time being.

Fundy's eyes shifted to look at Dream every once and awhile as he held Wilbur's hand. The hybrid didn't know how to feel... He loved Dream. He really did love him. Heck he even loved him enough to propose to the guy. Dream's disappearance was mostly out of nowhere at first... He didn't know anything about why Dream was gone until Dream sent him a small letter, the ring being inside of the envelope. Dream had given the ring back with a letter explaining why he didn't deserve anything that Fundy gave him. After that he never heard from the blonde again... Now he comes back out of the blue, no memory, no reasons, and was even dead. Fundy didn't know how to feel... Hurt? Angry? Frustrated? It was all mixing together so for now Fundy just pushed everything down so he could just breathe...

He just needed some breathing space...

On the other hand the blonde ghost was having the time of his life. Dream loved every second of the tour Tubbo was giving. He never thought that things like this were buildable- All the towers and sculptures were new to him, Tommy himself seeing new things added to the land. They were both really into seeing everything that people had built. It was like moving someone from the country to one of the biggest cities on earth... It all looked new to them both. All the cool builds and flashing lights caught Dream's eye, Wilbur having to hold his hand so he doesn't wander off. He just didn't want the boy to get lost or run into someone or people that the blonde wasn't ready to meet yet. Dream almost ran off to chase a random sheep at one point, getting a few feet away from the group before Wilbur grabbed him by the back of his hood so he could drag him back to everyone. Dream just wanted to explore the new area. It was everything he hoped it would be- He was even excited to meet new people for the first time. Tommy was happy Dream liked it around L'manburg and the SMP in general. They even got to see the huge Christmas tree they built in the middle of the area too.

Tommy always wanted to see that Christmas tree...

Now he could...

And it made him smile- It was good to be home.

After walking around for a really long time they came upon Niki's bakery. The chimney was puffing out smoke, the area around the building smelling like fresh cookies. Tubbo waved everyone towards him as he walked up the path towards the brick building. Once at the door, Tubbo held it open, everyone soon walking inside. Fundy and Quackity were the first people to walk in, Niki seeing the two and giving them a smile and a wave. Sitting at another table nearby was Ranboo and Eret, the two just handing out and keeping the girl company. When Wilbur saw Niki he smiled, floating towards the girl as he flew above her head. Niki let out a giggle as she looked up at Wilbur, distracted by the brunette ghost. Just then Tubbo walked in, Tommy in front of him and Dream hiding behind his back. Niki finally looked over at the door, seeing the blonde unexiled teen walk through the door.

"Tommy!! I'm so happy to see you! Welcome back! I thought I would never see you again!" Niki yelled as she started placing things down on the counter so she could meet with the boy as fast as possible. As soon as she was able to get around the counter she hugged the boy as tight as she could, Tommy hugging her back. Niki was like a sister to him... Ranboo and Eret smiled at the sight, knowing that the female has been through a lot. After being betrayed by multiple people it's good for her to see a familiar face of someone she knew she could trust. When Tommy pulled away from the hug with Niki he nodded at Eret, the man nodding back as his own greeting. Ranboo smiled at Tommy also giving the shorter boy a hug with one arm. Even if Tommy only knew Ranboo for a few days he enjoyed the enderman hybrid being around. He even watched the sunset with him that one time and he stood up for Tommy when he was called selfish... It was nice.

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