♫Chapter 2♫

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"So did you write down what you remember Dream?" Wilbur asked as he peeked back into the library. He had left Dream by himself for a little bit so he could check on the cookies he had been baking before the blonde's surprise visit. Dream was sitting at the same desk Wilbur had left him at with his new green journal, the lantern lighting that area around him. He looked at peace as his shoulders weren't uptight and his breathing was slow and spaced out. If the teen wasn't a ghost Wilbur would have thought he was asleep.

Dream's head perked up as he twisted his torso to look at Wilbur. He gave the man a smile and nodded, waving to him to come and join him. Wilbur happily floated over as he was excited to see the teen's writing. His hand rested on the back of the chair Dream was sitting in, leaning most of his weight on his other arm that he had set on the table. Dream looked up at Wilbur and smiled at the brunette that seemed to loom over him. When Wilbur read the notes he noticed that Dream's handwriting was shaky at the beginning slowly getting better and better as the notes went on. Wilbur blamed it on the teen getting used to holding things at a ghost. Even he had a hard time when writing, Philza had to reteach him a lot of simple functions to get through everyday life. Wilbur would have to ask Philza to help him teach Dream other things later so the blonde would have an easier time doing things. The points in time that Dream did write time were pretty spaced out and could be interpreted in many ways.

"Are you sure this is all you can remember Dream? Like this includes all bad things and good things right?" Wilbur asked and Dream slowly nodded. Wilbur did a double take as he looked down at the paper. Dream's memories were a lot compared to what the brunette had remembered when he had first died, but Wilbur was only able to remember the happy things in life at first. Dream's memories seemed to be a mix of happy and sad memories... He could tell from what he was reading that some were sadder than others. But instead of remembering the entire memory he only could associate items with the memory.

"I wrote down everything I remember like you told me. I even wrote the emotion I felt when I wrote the memory down next to the memory. I thought it would be helpful... I don't know why but I did it anyways," Dream explained with a small smile as Wilbur took a closer look at the memory book. He noticed that there were some dried tear marks on the pages and the pencil markings were different shades and different sizes during some of the memories... You could tell where Dream had pressed the pencil down hard on the paper, seeming to scribble words onto the page with pure emotion. Wilbur let his eyes wander to Dream one more time, just a simple glance, before looking back at the page.


Name: Dream

-What I remember-

At first everything was pretty calm. I was happy and building some things but I don't remember what they were. But I do remember working hard building a huge wooden house in the middle of a lake. It was a lot of fun to build if I remember correctly... The house was huge and filled with chests, bridges branching out from every direction of the house. There weren't that many people around... But I do remember glasses, headband, and demon. They're important to me. They are in most of my memories and I feel happy when I think about them most of the time. I would always joke around with them, sometimes even playing a weird game with them.

Then more people started to show up out of nowhere. I don't know why but then I remember a striped purple and white disc and a green disc. I remember wanting them really badly... They seem really important or they were important then. I'm not so sure about them being important now. But I would always lose them back then when I did have them. But I would get them back again at the end. I don't even think I like music that much... But the discs... They look a lot like the discs that Tommy has outside in the living room though.

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