-Chapter 3-

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"Tommy! Make sure you bring them both back by the end of the week! Be careful ok? Especially since these two aren't the best when it comes to memory stuff. I don't want you three getting in trouble and ending up starting a war in L'manburg again," Philza said as he finished setting up the boat, trying to pack up all of the food and everything else. Tommy was wearing a backpack, some other stuff in his hands while Dream was standing behind him while holding Wilbur's hand. It seemed like the boy never wanted to leave his fellow "Wilbur, make sure Dream stays with you. You know the most about being a ghost so you should be able to keep him in check- and Dream? I hope you find what you're looking for in L'manburg."

"T-thank you Philza," Dream said with a nod and a small smile, Wilbur feeling Dream's grip on his hand gripping a little tighter. The older man smiled and slowly climbed out of the boat, Tommy taking his place. Wilbur had a small place in the boat that was made so that no water could touch him. If he did he could melt- Dream on the other hand just sat down normally like anyone else would, not seeming to get affected by the water at all. At one point the boy even reached over the side of the boat and touched the water. Soon Tommy and Wilbur waved goodbye to their father and older brother, Tommy starting to row towards L'manburg.

"Do you really think that's a good idea, Dream?" Wilbur asked as he watched the younger ghost wade his fingertips through the water. Wilbur never liked the feeling of water burning his skin... It was the one downside of being a ghost. He had so many happy memories of playing in the rain when he was alive... And now he could never relive any on that. Dream just looked up with a hum and tilted his head to the side a bit, his hand never leaving the water. "I mean- Do you really think it's a good idea for you to be touching water? We still don't know what might happen when you do- there might be a lasting effect on you..."

"Stop being such a worry worry Wilbur... Dream will be fine. I did find him in the middle of a pond after all- Plus! He wasn't hurt by the snow. So rain and any other water should be fine with him too! You're the only one who got the short stick when it came to turning into a ghost Wilbur. You and your melting problems," Tommy joked and Wilbur just stuck his tongue out at the younger, Tommy returning the gesture right back at his older brother. The two kept throwing words at each other as Dream looked at both of them with a smile. He had only been living with the family for three days but he could tell how close they are.

Dream just chuckled a bit as he watched and listened to the two brothers argue. But he was more focused on L'manburg. He could barely remember what the place looked like. He didn't even know the name of the place, Tommy having to remind Dream of where they were going multiple times. Did he really used to live there? How many friends did he have when he was alive? Would they even remember him now that he's dead? Dream had so many questions but didn't know how to ask the two in the boat with him. So he just stayed silent, zoning out as he let his hand run through the water. At some point he let his eyes shut, oblivious to the world around him as he dozed off. He was scared... Worried- He didn't know how people would react seeing him, especially since he doesn't even know what he did in the past. Would they be glad he was dead? Would they be sad because he was now gone...?

"There it is!!! We're here! It's L'manburg! Oh my gosh it's been so long- I've missed this place so much- There are the docks! I wonder if Tubbo is there! We're home! Wilbur we're home!" Tommy cheered, completely giving up on trying to form continuous sentences. He was so excited to be home. He was just looking over at the well crafted docks in complete amazement then noticed how many things have changed. But his small smile turned into a frown as his hands tightened around whatever he was holding. "They've made this place look so nice ever since I left... It- It looks amazing."

Dream looked at L'manburg and his eyes widened. The place looked amazing and he hadn't even seen all of it yet. There were multiple buildings and the place was absolutely huge, the path leading further beyond the mountains. He immediately sat up in the boat, both hands gripping at the edge of the boat. Wilbur smiled when he saw Dream's dull eyes sparkle at the sight of the town. To be honest he was happy to see L'manburg too. Soon Tommy saw someone sitting on the edge of the docks, not seeing the three in the boat approaching. Tommy's head perked up at the sight of his friend Tubbo, getting ready to wave at the brunette but then remembered something. He turned to Dream who was still looking at the huge town in front of him.

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