☯︎︎Chapter 10☯︎︎

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Sorry this took so long to get out! I've been so busy with other things I haven't had that much time to work on this sorry- Anyways I hope you enjoy! :)

(If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask)


Karl and Quackity sat there in front of Sapnap, the blaze hybrid silently sleeping. His chest was slowly raising and falling, breathing slowly while his face was twisted in discomfort. Karl sat to Sapnap's left, gripping at his boyfriend's hand like it was a lifeline. Karl was practically shaking as he tried not to sob at the sight of his hurt boyfriend.  Quackity was sitting back in a chair, the chair as close to the bed as Quackity could put it. They were both worried for their boyfriend, Sapnap not moving at all after he passed out on the way to Antfrost's house. Karl had to remind himself multiple times that he was sleeping... He had to remind himself that Sapnap was going to be ok and that he wasn't dying. Even though his brain was making him think otherwise.

"He's going to be ok... I keep trying to tell myself that... He's going to be ok. Antfrost said he was going to be ok. He's... He's just sleeping," Karl said and Quackity frowned a bit, walking over to sit next to his boyfriend. He didn't like seeing Sapnap and Karl feeling bad. He rubbed Karl's shoulder gently, giving the brunette a little bit of comfort. The two were willing to wait in the room for as long as they needed to. Quackity knew what Karl was going through with his memory loss and his time traveling, the teen just recently opening up about it. He was happy to support anything Karl does. He loved the brunette but it does hurt watching Karl slowly hurt himself the more he tried to use the power of time travel to fix mistakes.

"Drew- Jack- Sorry- I mean Quackity... I-I don't want to lose him like I lost them... I know they're from other timelines but- But everything seemed so real. They looked like you and Sapnap you know? Like reincarnations and when they died I- I felt horrible. I... I've been to so many places and I just- I just don't want to lose Sapnap. I don't want to lose either of you. I don't want to forget," Karl said and Quackity just nodded in understanding as he hugged Karl close, never taking his eyes off of the sleeping Sapnap.

Just then Sapnap started to shuffle from where he laid in the bed, his arms coming up to rub at his eyes. He let out a groan as he slowly started to come out of his coma like state. Karl and Quackity were quick to sit on either side of the bed in front of their partner, slowly coaxing Sapnap out of his sleeping state. Karl would run his hand through Sapnap's hair while Quackity slowly shook Sapnap's shoulder, both of them helping Sapnap slowly sit up. The Blaze hybrid groaned again and slowly sat up, rubbing his forehead as he tried to clear his head. There seemed to be a light fog that was slowly lifting from his mind.  Karl was quick to grab some of the extra blankets in the room and wrapped it around his shoulders.

"How are you feeling James-? I sorry- I- mean Ma- Sapnap... How are you feeling Sapnap?" Karl asked slowly, holding Sapnap's face with both hands gently. Sapnap just looked up and smiled softly, looking over to Quackity. "I feel fine to be honest. Maybe even better than fine. I mean I was practically just sleeping- That was probably the best sleep I've had in ages," Sapnap joked as he rubbed the nape of his neck. Quackity and Karl sighed with relief, happy that Sapnap was feeling completely fine and maybe even better. Just then there was a light knocking on the door, Karl walking up to the door and slowly opening it. Bad was standing there and waved, Karl letting the demon in to see his son.

"Sorry to interrupt... But I was going to let you know I'm going to go see Skeppy now. It has been a while and I... I think it's time I go see him. I just wanted to say a quick goodbye to my son and my future sons in law," Bad said with a warm smile and the three teens smiled back. They all said their farewells as Bad started to walk out. The demon soon just waved and closed the door with a small click, walking away to check on his own partner in another part of the building. As soon as the door shut Karl was quick to return to Sapnap's side, cuddling with his boyfriend. Karl and Sapnap were trying to pull Quackity into the pile but the teen refused, planning to just sit there while his partners cuddled. But soon Karl and Sapnap pulled out the puppy eyes, something they all knew Quackity couldn't resist. Quackity just rolled his eyes with a smile and cuddled up to Sapnap's other side. They all sat there in a comfortable silence, acting like the outside world wasn't even there.

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