♕Chapter 9 ♔

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"Dream! Oh thank god you're safe- What happened? Are you ok? You just disappeared! I'm so happy you got back safely. Never do that again you scared me so much! Are you hurt? Oh my goddess you worried me so much," Wilbur was immediately right next to Dream as soon as Quackity brought the blonde ghost to Antfrost's house. Dream jumped as soon as Wilbur grappled onto him. Wilbur seemed to change emotions so fast that Dream's brain could barely keep up. But soon Wilbur was just hugging Dream tightly, Dream having enough time to process before hugging Wilbur back.

Some beds were spread out across the room, some people sitting on a bed and other beds empty. But the room was extremely warm, the fireplace burning brightly and a few cups of hot drinks set on tables. The warmth made Dream's skin feel prickly as he pulled away from Wilbur's hug. He saw blankets were everywhere, some wrapped around someone and others laid across the beds. Dream waved to Tommy, hugging the shorter blonde for a little bit. He pulled away and was immediately taken by Wilbur again. The brunette wrapped his arms around Dream, pulling the boy into a huge hug one last time. Dream immediately hugged Wilbur back, feeling sorry for scaring him. He had done nothing but help Dream and treat him like his own brother. It felt wrong to make him worry so much... Wilbur soon disappeared, going to check if Fundy was ok. He may not have custody over Fundy but he wanted to care for the fox no matter what.

"Thanks for bringing him back Quackity... Really appreciate it," Tommy said as he patted Quackity on the shoulder. The other teen nodded not really having much to say to Tommy as he stood there awkwardly. He looked at Tommy and realized how much the blonde had changed. Yes his hair was still a bright yellow and his eyes were bright blue... But he was wearing a white long sleeve shirt, the collar. He was wearing something that looked a lot like what Philza and Techno wore. But it looked good on him. He was even acting a bit different than he usually did. He was more protective, thought about his actions more, and was more self-sacrificing than ever. The past few months in exile really changed him.

"Anyways... Dream where did you go? We lost you after we got trapped inside of the bakery. We would have gone looking for you sooner but we had to make sure everyone was ok first... But I'm glad that Quackity was able to find you," Tommy explained as he looked up at the floating Dream. The ghost looked over at Quackity before looking back at Tommy. He thought for a second before speaking again. Quackity braced for impact as Dream opened his mouth, scared of what the ghost might say.
"I ran away because I was really stressed and everything was too much for me... Honestly I don't know what happened so I ran... B-But I'm ok now! Quackity found me while he was hunting and getting wood for another build and helped me home! I'm sorry I ran away and that I made you all worry," Dream said and Quackity let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He was happy that Dream listened to the deal. It wasn't that he doubted the blonde... But he wasn't also really that close to the blonde ghost either. But Dream had agreed and listened nonetheless. It would've been pretty awkward if he was stuck with explaining that he brought Dream to a cabin in the middle of the deep forest. It would be even worse having to explain to all of his friends why he hid Schlatt from the world to-

"How is everyone doing? Are they any better?" Quackity asked as he looked at the different people around Antfrost's medical center. Before Tommy could answer him though he quickly added to his question. "Where is Karl? Is Sapnap ok? Did Antfrost see them yet...?" Quackity hesitantly asked and Tommy nodded, pointing over to a separate room away from everyone else. Quackity thanked Tommy and said a farewell to Dream before walking past everyone, soon disappearing into the room. He was so worried about his two partners, wanting to see them as soon as possible. He felt bad for leaving them so soon after the accident. Dream couldn't help but look around and his heart hurt when he saw the damage that he had caused. He really didn't mean to hurt anyone. Tommy was quick to catch onto Dream's change in mood and put a reassuring hand on the ghost's shoulder.

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